homecoming!!!!! I'm also 3 months

Start from the beginning

Walking to the store next to it was Starbucks. Walking up and ordering a Double Chocolate chip Frap. When I got it I walked out and went to my 2014 Black Mustang v6.Yes I got a new car, my dad came home drunk last month and threw a bottle at me I went to the hospital I was so happy when they said my babies were still ok. so to make it up he. bought me this.

Getting into my mustang. I started it and started to drive. when I got out of the parking lot I took my right hand and put it on my stamach, a small smile came to my lips.

I'm going to have three wonderfull children. I pulled up to my school, turning off my car I grabbed my phone and looked at it, 10:20 came up almost 2 hours late.

I walked into the school and came to the office, Martha was there aitting and looking at the computer.

" Hey Martha how are you?" I asked still walking to the desk.

" Hey sweetie I'm good how are you? And how are momma and your father?" Martha asked grabbing a pass for me. Martha was a very close family friend.

" I'm good and momma was in a coma but alil into the coma she passed away, and dad well he's a bigger dick now." I said looking down at my stomach, my babies won't know there grandma, Martha knows he's been abusing me.

She gave me a sad smile, she got up and walked out of the office giving a big hug and a kiss in the check.

Walking to my locker I opened it, grabbing my books and putting them in my black backpack by chanel. Making sure I didn't smash the ultrasound pictures.

(skipping school besides the last period)

School is almost done this is the last class, the class I don't want to go into.

Shutting my locker and walking to the classroom. I walk into the room to see only me and Justin. I walk to the first seat with my head down. I sat down and got my book out and opened it the section we were in.

The bell rang and by now all the kids were in the class. I was day dreaming about the perfect family. I was thinking about me and Justin with these beatuiful kids. I was cut off when the bell rang.

I made sure to be the last one. I got out the picture and looked at it for awhile. I sucked in a deep breath and stood up, making my way to Justin. When I got up there I was looking down at the picture.

" Umm I have something for you, if you don't want it uh you can give it back, but I thought because you are the dad that you should see your kids." I said looking up at him, he was already looking at me.

I handed him the picture, and he looked at for the longest time, with a blank face. Then all of a sudden he had the biggest smile on his face, he got up and picked me up and spun me.

he put me down and looked at me with adore in his eyes he got down and kissed my stomach, while saying cute things like ' you guys are my life I love you guys sooo much.'

" so what are you having all they all boy or girls or what?" he asked looking up at me, while his hands are on my stomach.

" um.. I'm having a girl, and two boys." I said smiling down at my stomach with love in my eyes, I put my hand on my stomach, while in his hand on my stomach.

" my two boys and my little princess, I love you guys sooo much, as much as I love your mom, my queen." he said standing up and placing his lips on mine.

" Hey babe I thought yo... What In the name of god are you doing with my husband?" julie walked and started to scream.

Oh MY POO this is bad..

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