OFFTALE(my version) | Batter!Chara

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//That's the first part if Mark's OFF playthrough, if you don't know what OFF is-//


I'm making my own version of the OFF x Undertale Crossover AU; OFFtale

And as the title says, I drew my OFFtale!Chara, aka Batter!Chara

Even tho most people make Frisk take his(The Batter) place, but my reasons fer why I picked Chara are in a Journal on my DeviantArt.

If you can't read the info in the pic then here's what it reads:


"Both eyes look the same...
Or do they?-//shot"

"The direction of the lines are just different"

*Front, sides, visor*"

–Real name unknown

–Goes by Chatter

–16 y/o


–Silent type, Blunt, Monotone, Agile

–Do NOT anger them


–Agender(Biologically female)

–Low Sanity

–Delusional, thinks "Purifying"(aka Killing) is a good thing.

–Aware of you(the reader/player)

–Don't ask about their locket, "Or Else"(, you die-)

So Yea that's it!

Also, if you didn't notice, I was to lazy to outline everything with the black color pencil. So I only did some of it.

And, their wearing a Black long sleeved shirt underneath the green and yellow one(clearly).

But, before I go, say hello Chatter! Same goes fer you guys.

Chatter: ×....Hello.....reader....

Ja !

//rolls out

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