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This is the only person that is allowed to call Levi "Vail". Here's her info.

Name:『*hides behind Levi* V-vAiL tOlD mE nOt To TaLk To StRaNgErS...』Jinaxala (Jin-ah-za-la)

Nickname:『*hugs Levi's leg* Y-YoU cAn CaLl M-Me JiNx...I-If YoU w-wAnT....』Jinx, Xala(Za-la).

Age:『I-I wAs P-PrOg-gRaMmEd To Be 8...I tH-tHiNk...』8

Gender:『I-I'm N-NoT a B-BoY....』Female

Height:『Sh-ShOrTeR tH-tHeN E-EzNeE(Ezri)~cHaN?』3'2"



¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Close up:

Hair color: Red + Black

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Hair color: Red + Black

Eye color: Black.

Species: an AE like Ezri and Takanori/Takanoru.

Outfit: Same as Ezri's but red instead of blue.

Weapon: Same as Ezri.

Fave. Color: Red & Gray.

Other: She's Levi's 3rd AE. Her "code" or program/android name(before she was given a name) was L-3. She is programmed to be Ezri's little sister. And she's usually sweet and innocent, but she'll act dark and creepy at times or when she sees it necessary.

[She's the little girl at the end of a dark hallway holding a knife (which is wat I call the scariest thing ever) xD]

Anyways, that's all fer this chapter!

I'll cya when I cya, BAAAAAAI!!! ~Ari

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