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I got tagged by SorcererSupereme even tho Gamer277 said everyone had to do it when she was tagged but watever :P

1.) Do I like someone?

Answer: Does an Anime or Homestuck or Creepypasta character count? If not then
 no one.

2.) Do they like me?

Answer: ^^^ if Anime or CP or Homestuck character does count then maybe. Otherwise Nope cuz I dun like anyone.

3.) Middle name?

Answer: Julianna.

4.) Single or Taken?

Answer: I'm not old enough to be in a romantic relation ship so Single Pringle.

5.) Last person I texted?

Answer: I can't text anyone so Imma say the last person I "texted" in PM. Which was ShadeTheStoryMaker.

6.) Last song I listened to?

Answer: You're Gonna Go Far, Kid by the Offspring. I love that song.

7.) Battery %?

Answer: 100% bruh. My tablets almost always plugged in the charger. XD

8.) Girl Best Friend?

Answer: SO HARD! But if I had to pick it would be xXSky_MaidenXxUNFUCKWITHABLE, ShadeTheStoryMaker and TwistedDreamcatcher. All my other female Wattpad friends too!!

9.) Guy Best friend?

Answer: I dunno. It would probably have to be SorcererSupereme and @MahouSky tbh. X3

10.) Fav OTP?

Answer: Oh crap that's a hard one. Uhhh, GaLe from Fairy Tail and, Firabelle[Flynn(my Oc) x Mirabelle(xXSky_MaidenXx's Oc)] or Pepryn[Camryn x Periwinkle aka Pepper (my Oc's)] from Gamer277's highschool RP.

11.) Why I made an account?

Answer: XD This is a funny story. So, one day -1/4/2016- I went on this website ya? I couldn't do anything without an account. So, I made this account but I forgot about it until liek, April or something. The name of this account was originally something like: cyrusderpstar or something so I changed it to CyrusSkel after I remembered it. And now it's DerpsterStraz or watever it says whenever you read this. Soooooo yea. XD

12.) Current Lock screen?

Answer: N/A I don't have one. It's just ads.

Ppl I tag:









Anyone I didn't tag can do this too if they want ! :3

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