SVTFOE | Second Oc - DONE SUN!

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I put sun instead of sin bcuz I felt like naming a character from RWBY-

I finished drawing mah Oc


Even tho it's past midnight rn

But still

Anywho meet him already!

His name is Dev Baron(don't ask whai I picked the last name, I wont have an answer)

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His name is Dev Baron(don't ask whai I picked the last name, I wont have an answer). He's a 14 y/o, 6 armed demon with a second pair of eyes and is 5'6".

He can become smaller/bigger in size at will, tho he usualy only becomes smaller or goes back to his normal size.

If you ever see him in public, his two extra, spider like eyes will most likely be closed, seeming like eyebrows. The only time you'd see them open is when he becomes larger then his normal size, or when he's at his/Mavis' home.

Speaking of Mavis, he's actually a demon that was summoned by said girl, when she tried to do a ritual the first time. Their first introduction was rather pleasant, unlike others would possibly be. He was quiet, shy and very jumpy when he was first summoned, like a child that never interacted with anybody before. But he eventually Mavis made him more open.

Now that we're on the topic of personalities; Dev is a pretty cheerful demon. He's Brave and is usually always smiling, much like Mavis. But he can also be very Sarcastic, Straightforward and...Sassy, at times. Bcuz of this I'll probably hafta google a list of sassy comebacks just fer him-
Anyways, his "sassiness" will usually be the reason fer Mavis ever being annoyed in the first place, and it also causes her to lose energy from having to deal with Dev 24/7.

But Mavis is the only one in SVTFOE that even knows he exists. Tom probably knows but he's irrelevant-

Despite Dev helping Mavis and Starco with fighting monsters, with no spells to keep him hidden mind you, Starco never seems to notice him. Mavis plans on introducing them to Dev but fer right now she's okai with them being oblivious of his existence.

I feel like I'm fergetting something....

Oh well!

Now fer some close upssss and progressssss picturessssss-



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Le sneak peek/lineart

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Le sneak peek/lineart

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Le sketch


That's all fer now


Also, ShadeTheStoryMaker :D

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