Dollswitch stuff | Reese Morris!

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I know what you're thinking; ABOUT FUCKIN/FRICKIN TIME.

Yes I finally made her info!

Most of it was created from a create an Oc meme, in which is in the last chapter.

Most of it was created from a create an Oc meme, in which is in the last chapter

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Reese Morris

Nickname: Reesy, Reese's pieces or Reese's puffs (I didn't chose the name just so she could have that Nickname. I hate peanut butter and Reese's pieces/puffs have peanut butter in them).

Age: "I turned 17 just last December."

Sex: "Well, my uh, *ahem* hip area, is sorta just, bones. But guessing by everything else, Female."

Gender: "Female, thank you."

Species: A Human, Lemur, and Skeleton Hybrid.

Sexuality/Sexual Orientation: Pansexual.

Relationship Status: She's single. Butshehasacrushonskeledollso-

Nationality/Ethnicity(?): Swedish-American


Height • Weight: 5'0" • 77lb

Eye color: "Pffffft-" the light in her eyes are white with a light/mintish blue outline.

Hair color: A Whitish Purple (like Kyoko Kirigiri from Danganronpa).

Skin tone: "The parts of me that are skin; a very pale color."

Body type: "Uhhh not sure. Maybe Hourglass?"

Prominent features: "Uhhhh, my ears, tail, teeth, and the fact that parts of my body is just bone??"

Piecing(s): "That would be a bad example to Mint's kid if I had piercings anywhere other then my ears. And before you say to just get my ears pierced, my ears are super sensitive meaning only certain people are allowed to touch them. So, nope."

Tattoo(s)/Marking(s): "The only thing I could call a mark in is the black fur on my stomach/some of my chest."


Personality: Friendly | Social | Family Oriented | Protective | Athletic

Fer most/the beginning of her life, Reese was a rather shy and timid girl. She was decent at making friends, but never felt like she fit in due to being the only young monster that was part human, skeleton, /and/ animal. Of course, once she meet Seiran, Mint, and Mars, -especially Mars since he's also part human, part skeleton, and part animal- she started becoming more social, and stopped feeling outcastes.

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