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First of all - dontjudgemebcuzofthesongokaiitsoneofmyfavoritesongs

Second of all - the pic above is made on meh phone :D

Onto the topic-

I got a DeviantArt!

Well, I already had a DA

But earlier, my mom found out about it. And when I first asked if I could make one(I had the one she saw waaaaat before I asked) she said no bcuz there were non-kid friendly pictures on the front page

But when she looked through most of the explore section of my DA app, she didn't see any of that.


But then since she gave me the computer, I made a new one, watched everyone I was watching on the first one(which was named SkeletonFox. I had made it earlier in 2016 when I still went by Cyrus. Soooo SkeletonFox was my- Cyrus', Homestuck Trollian Tag. BcuzIwasmoreintoHScomparetoUTatthetimeandCyhadaHSveranddifferentverindifferentfandomsiwasiningeberal-


So, I only wanted a new account so I could change the username, bcuz you hafta have a core membership to do that.


I go by Ri on there(and by that I mean that's what I put as my "real name")

But I'll go by Vanilla since my comments will be through Vanilla/my persona and things me/Ri/my icon/the admin will say will be surrounded by // or //-//

Sooooo Yea

I'll be posting things I posted here/things I've drawn that I usually show ppl and stuff

Also, if you wanna know what I'm currently trying to get done via art wise, take a look at my Message Board :>

Ja nē!

//rolls out

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