Everything went downhill so fast. One minute Tori's being Tori and is making dirty jokes and the next she's fighting for her life. Tears finally spring free and the brunette just starts to cry. Everything around her just moves in slow motion as she slides onto the floor outside of her best friend's hospital room and cries into her hands. She doesn't know what she would do without the blonde in her life. Feelings aside, the girl who is currently on the brink between life and death in that room is her absolute best friend in the world. She knows Tori's done some questionable things, but never did she do anything that led to her deserving a fate like this. There are very few things worth losing your life over.

Alessia's head is still in her hands when Dr. Edwards comes over and rubs the younger girl's shoulder. "She's okay." She whispers. The brunette just closes her eyes and silently lets the tears fall from them.

"Can I see her?" she breathes out.

"There are a few doctors doing exams right now, so I would give it a half hour or so. . . How about you go back to the waiting room and I'll come by again to get you?"

The younger girl nods and stands up. She turns around to peer through the door windows at the girl on the bed. She looks so small and vulnerable in the bed, which are two qualities that Tori would fucking riot if she heard Alessia call her that.

"Call someone, Alessia. You can't do this alone." The doctor suggests before going back into the room. The eighteen year-old nods her head as she tears her eyes away from the sleeping girl in the hospital room. She takes out her phone and calls the first person that she thought of.

*          *          *

Camila is the first to wake up, which is something that rarely happens. She supposes it has something to deal with the fact that her anxiety is already through the roof today and it's barely seven in the morning. She swears can feel her nerves tingling and her heart doing that weird flutter thing it does when she's about to have an anxiety attack.

Wow today is already going to be GREAT.

She sits up in bed and drowsily walks to her bathroom where her anxiety medicine is sitting in the cabinet. She doesn't use it unless she really needs to, which she guesses is an improvement from a few years ago when she had a different prescription for pills that she had to take three a day. She takes a pill dry and walks back to her bed where she'll wait for it to take effect. Her failed conversation with Lauren last night must have unknowingly caused this episode, and its not like her girlfriend is to blame, but, come on. You can't refuse to tell someone with anxiety something that important and expect for everything to be fine?

Ok, yes, this isn't Lauren's fault, and the rational side of Camila's brain knows this. But, with anxiety rational typically doesn't win, and the illness side tends to spew thoughts like "She doesnt want to tell you because she doesn't trust you" or "She still has feelings for the person she lost her virginity to". She knows it's an insane, but something just doesn't feel right.

"HIS CHEESEBURGER, HIS PRECIOUS CHEESEBURGER, HE'LL BE BACK FOR YOU" Camila's phone wails from its spot on her bedside table. Goddammit, she thinks, she must've forgotten to turn the sound off in her rush to go to sleep last night. She sighs and rushes to answer the phone before Lauren wakes up.

"Alessia, what do you need and why the hell do you need it so early in the morning?" The brunette answers with as little attitude that she can muster. She loves Alessia, she really does, but seriously why the fuck is she calling at the ass crack of dawn?

"Um, can you guys come to Miami Grace? There's a situation." The girl rasps on the other line, sounding defeated.

Camila frowns and can immediately feel her heart constricting in shock. "Who's hurt? Are you okay?! What's going on?"

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