I smiled, feeling a bit awkward, "Hey dude! Keeks told me you were here,"


"My nickname for Kiku,"


The guy wasn't much of a talker but he stared at me as if he was observing me. Not knowing what to talk about, I walked around the store.

"Sooooo... How long you have known Kee- I mean, Kiku?"

"A very long time... And you?"

"Uh, not really. I just rescued him a couple days ago from one of those nasty ghouls,"

Hercules squinted his eyes and walked closer go me.

"Don't CCG members usually mind their own business?..."

"Huh? Depends on what type of business you mean..."

"What do you want from Kiku?"

"What do I want? I don't know, man. I kinda just wanted to get to know him and-"

"Do you like him?"


"Or are you planning to do something with him?"

"Dude, chill out!"

"Let me warn you, I care about Kiku very much. He is the closest person I have and I will not let anyone hurt him," even if his voice was very quiet and soft.

"Alright, dude. I get it. But I would never imagine myself doing any harm to Kiku. He is a cool guy and I just wanted to get to know him better. I'm sorry if you thought I was getting cozy with your boyfriend,"

"What? No, we're not toget-," he paused and sighed, "Just know that I will not hesitate to do something if Kiku is in harm,"

With that, he left. I stood there in shock for a while, processing what just happened. I didn't know Hercules much but Kiku have told me that he usually just sleeps and space out with his cats. Maybe he was jealous? I know they are close friends. And Kiku and I barely know each other.


"Hmm... By what you told me, he does sound a bit jealous,"

"I know, right? I mean, at first he seemed chill but then I realized how scary he can be..."

"Are you jealous of him?"

"A little... I mean, he know Kiku way more than I do and for a longer time... By the way, you know Yao Wang, right?"

"Yeah, he works in the CCG with us. Why?"

"I think there is some issues with him and Kiku,"

"Why would you say that?"

"Kiku seemed really nervous when I mentioned him and then when we saw him, he hid..."



After some minutes, Kiku arrived.

"Sorry, Alfred. I was talking to someone and forgot the time,"

"It's alright dude,"

"Did Hercules leave?"


"Weird. I invited him to come with us. I guess he has other things to do,"

"Let's go eat! I know an amazing burger place!"

"Uh, actually... I'm not hungry. But we can go to a coffee shop I know,"

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