Wait why did I suddenly moaned!? Your thought .

"Heh even your blood taste good~ oh..ah your moaning is so cute~". Ryan said .

"S-stop!..". You said .

"Stop? But it seems like  your enjoying it~". Ryan said .

"That idiotic male back inside the house garden..his hurting you..but I should only be the one who can do that to you~". Ryan said. He was about to kiss you when....

"Brother brother ..your so eager to marry her aren't you?".

You open your eyes and saw Jason ...he was seated on  a red sofa located beside the doorway.

He glares at his brother .


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"Kid". Ryan said , he release his grip from you and crosses his arms.

"Your so impatient ". Jason said standing up and walking towards you.

"J-Jason?". You said as you notice blood stains on his clothes.

"Yes kitty~?". Jason said with a smirk.

"W-where did those blood came from?". You said .

"Oh this~? I have to take care the guy taking advantage of you...Luckily I drop some useful bear traps to kill him~". Jason said as he cups your cheek.

"You kill them? Those two men!?". You said.

You heard the two brothers chuckles.
"I take care of the last guy that it lock in..with a chainsaw and your friend". Ryan said.

"While I kill the guy with a bear trap". Jason said.

"That's..so..f*ck up". You said , you notice the dead body of your teacher . You point your finger on your teacher.

They follow where your pointing and both of them smirk.

"Then w-who..killed..her?". You said.

"I did".

That voice didn't come from the two brothers.. you saw a shadow on the doorstep.

And saw...

Mrs. Chavez holding a knife which is covered in blood.

"M-Mrs.. Chavez!?". You said your eyes widening

She throws the knife right in the dead teacher's  head.

"Your luck my child that they save you". Mrs. Chavez said giggling.

She continues walking towards you.
"If it wasn't for my sons those men could have taken advantage of you". Mrs. Chavez said.

"Moms right". Jason said.

Ryan didn't say anything but looks at you.
"Now let's go home and clean ourselves up ". Mrs. Chavez said.

The two brothers nod and they both reach grabs your hands.

"Let's go kitty~". Jason said.

"Dummy let's go". Ryan said.

The four of you were inside the car. It was silent . You seat there quietly your eyes looking down the ground.

"Hey dummy". Ryan said , you look at him as you heard his voice.

"Y-yes?". You said.

"Would you like to join me in bath when we arrive~?". Ryan said with a smirk.

"E-eh?". You blush and shake your head.

"How about me ? Would you like to join me instead?". Jason said with a smirk also.

"Hey I ask her first!". Ryan said.

"Ha! But she decline your offer!". Jason said.

"Will you stop it". Mrs. Chavez said scolding her sons.

"I-..I can take a bath myself!". You said.

"You sure~? Do you need someone to scrub your back? I could help you". Ryan said.

"No thank you". You said.

Mrs. Chavez sighs then push a button on a wall. The widow behind her open .

"Seth are we almost there?". Mrs. Chavez said .

"Almost their madame". Seth replied while driving the car.

"Good I'm starving". Jason said.

"Me too". You said.

"Don't worry my child were almost home". Mrs. Chavez said.

"Oh and my child...don't tell anyone about what happened~?". Mrs. Chavez said with a smile.

"Ill punish you if you tell anyone~". Ryan said to you with a smirk.

"And I'll kill the people you love ~". Jason said with a smirk.

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