39. Problems & Solutions.

Start from the beginning

I sighed walking in the direction of my math class really regretting to get my shoes from next to the door.

"Take a seat class," Mrs Kay smiled just as I was walking in, I slumped down next to the only available seat left. Next to Zac.

Did I also mention that him and Scott were also mad at me.


"Turn to page 276, in your text book and start working on 14C also I want your homework that I gave you on Monday," Mrs Kay said and I grumpily pulled out the massive book opening it to the right page and starting on the questions.

"Do you have your homework?" Mrs Kay asked as she reached my desk.

"Yeah," I said handing it to her and she stood there in shock for a moment.

"You actually did your homework," she muttered, I'm pretty sure to herself.

"Yeah," I nodded slowly.

"Good job," she said looking over my sheet to see if I had filled it all out.

"Uh, thanks?" I frowned going back to work.

Once I had finished that section of the work I looked up realising that everyone else was still starting it.

I'll just wait until someone else finishes... Or not.

"Jackie Skye to the principles office, Jackie Skye to the principles office, thank you," the speaker in the classroom said and everyone turned to me.

I rolled my eyes shouldering my back and making my way to the classroom door. "If you didn't get those questions finished can you hand your book in tomorrow."

"I finished it like five minutes ago," I shrugged and mrs Kay gave me a odd look and I could still feel everyone's eyes on me.

"All of it?" She asked.

"Yeah, I even ended up doing the bonus activity," I shrugged handing her my book so she could check.

"Well.... Wow... Uh, you better go now," she mumbled and I nodded and walked out the door and down the familiar path to the principles office.

"You wanted to see me," I greeted Hannah and she gave me a week smile and gestured for me to sit.

"Have you had a fallout with your father?" She asked and I frowned.. Why would she know about that?

"Um.. Yeah.." I said awkwardly.

"Well, his stopped paying for your schooling," she mumbled giving me a sad smile.

"That asshole," I spat.

"I told him that he wasn't allowed to refund the money that he paid for this term so your safe," she started.

"But its not me that's doing this, he won't pay for next semesters and because you don't have the top grades the school board are trying to get you transferred to the public school," she finished readying herself for my outburst.

But none came.

"How much does it cost?" I asked calmly.

"Does what?" She frowned.

"The last semester," I said looking her dead in the eye.

"Fifty grand," she gulped.

"If I get you this, will I be able to stay?" I questioned my tone still calm.

"Yes," she nodded.

"Then I will, by the end of this term," I shrugged, I would not let dad win this even if I had to beg for money on the side of the street. Like a hobo.

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