"Kneel!" shouted Tsunade, her voice thundering across the room.

Naruto obediently kneeled before the very members that would decide his fate. His eyes never leaving Toneri's.

"You are here today by the many crimes that you have been accused of, we will begin the list and at the end, you will be given the right to object, is that understood?"

Naruto nodded softly rattling the chains that bound him.

"Naruto Uzumaki! You have been accused of illegal transactions, assassination hits, Theft..."

Every around him became white noise to him, his eyes staring at the man he has been hunting down. The hate struck gaze. The killing intent changing the tension of this very room.

Amongst that crowd, there stood Hinata along with Kushina and Sara and most of her friends. Her eyes filled with tears, her heart aching at every crime spoken. She knew about his past but hearing it like this was heart-wrenching. She looked over at Kushina, and found her hopeless face as if this very moment was just a moment that she will force to forget. She understood her pain, the pain of a mother watching her child being stripped of his name and whatever he had left.

"...Conspiracy of the assassination of Danzo Shimura, Conspiracy on the attack of Konoha, the brutal murder of two civilians of Nobles Cape, Conspiracy of the genocide of the Yatzu clan in the Land of Stars, the conspiracy of the massacre of the House of Wraiths.... do you have anything to say towards these accusations?" Tsunade finished, slipping the scroll back together waiting for the silent blond, his head hung down in shame as his bangs flowed freely through his eyes.

"Yes...I've done those things, I took on illegal contracts, assassination hits, theft... I killed Danzo Shimura..." Naruto seethed the name as he raised his head to meet his father's blue ones. His eyes held nothing but regret and sadness "I did attack Konoha, I was the man in the mask..."

Minato looked at his own son in shock, his heart rapidly beating as memories of that night flashed in his mind. It was you, Naruto, I've failed you as a parent, If I only knew it was you! Minato silently cursed himself, he clenched the armrest while he shut his eyes upon hearing his own son continuing.

"I did wipe out the Yatzu clan in the Land of Stars, I did burn down the House of Wraiths, I did assassinate Oscar and I did murder those two men at Nobles..." Naruto continued, coming to a realization of his crimes was such a foreign feeling, was it relief? Will he finally atone for it all?

"Is there anything else you want to confirm or deny?" Tsunade asked looking at the figure that kneeled before her.

"I killed them all..., I wiped out Thieves Landing...I even killed my own master...Jiraiya..." Naruto said, his voice breaking ever so slowly by the mentioning of late master.

"Jiraiya... No..." whispered Tsunade, her heart felt like it shattered into a million pieces, her long lost friend she looked for years was now dead, the very man down there, bound in shackles erased him from this earth.

Then another voiced boomed through the room "Did you really save my daughter Hinata?"

Naruto looked towards the source to see one of the members stand to shake the very room.


"Were you responsible for the deaths of the other Notorious wanted Master Thieves ?" spoke a man with a pineapple hair like-look, a pair of scars running across his cheek and forehead.

"Yes..." again Naruto responded looking towards the ground.

"Did Toneri Otsutsuki really kill you?"

The Unsung Hero《Sequel》Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora