chapter fucking 23

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Rickys pov

There's this saying. You know the one. "I'd take a bullet for you" 

You never think anyone means it until they do.  Until they actually take a bullet for you. Or until they almost do

But let's rewind.

Earlier today lily and I were laying in bed with Luna and ville. Nothing out of the ordinary.

Lily had to go to work to finish up on some last minute editing and a party with the cast. We went together.

She was wearing a black dress and black heals. I was wearing a black button down and skinny jeans.

About three hours into the party she had me up in this little area with me holding my hand.

You never realize how loud a gunshot is until you hear one. You never know pain until you get shot.

There I was. Laying on the ground. Covered In blood. Paramedics around me. Cops pointing at the shooter.

The shooter pointing at the paramedics to stop what they're doing.

I'm bleeding out. I know im bleeding out. I keep seeing lily crying. I hear her screaming. I smile because she may be the last thing I see.

The shooter? His name is Jackson. He was the man lily use to date before me. When their love story ended I was just moving in with her . She never talks about him. She's almost scared of him.

So why did he shoot me? Or shiloh. Or anyone else for that matter? He was mad because lily left him.

He was mad because he felt heartbroken. And he felt I deserved to be heart broken or better yet dead. Because that's how he was feeling.

They call in an on scene doctor team. They're trying to save me. But maybe I cannot be saved anymore.

The shooter left the room. I know because lily is sitting by my side. She had told him I'll bleed out in a few seconds. That's the last thing I remember hearing before blacking out. But she loves me. I know she loves me. 

I wake up 18 hours later In a hostpital bed  unable to really do much. Balz, ghost and Chris are all in the room. I'm searching for lily.

I look to my right. She's standing there smiling.

"Hi baby " she croaked out with tears streaming down her face

"Hey beautiful " I said looking at her.

"Don't move baby" she said while I groaned in pain.

Chris made everyone come into the room while the nurse yelled and said there couldn't be that many people. Ryan told her to shut the fuck up.

I wanted to know what happened. How I'm alive. How I was saved from my almost murder. Where he was. And what happened to shiloh and the two others that were harmed. Lily just held my hand and cried. Everyone was talking to  me.

Asking me the same "how are you feeling " questions.

I didn't care that they were there. Only that lily was.

I wanted to know what happened. So I made everyone leave. Everyone but her and Ryan.

Ryan was there when she miscarried. And Ryan is our bestfriend. So I want him there just incase she breaks down and I cannot hold her up.

"So basically..." she said with a tear streaming down her face.

And then she began to tell me how she single handedly saved my life

(**COMPLETED**)didn't your mother warn you about creepy girls? (Ricky Horror)Where stories live. Discover now