Chapter 8 - Three Two One

Start from the beginning

"I apologize," she finally muttered. "Leaders should not show this much of themselves so openly."

"Who made that rule?" he replied quickly.

"Nevermind what I say. Take it closely that magic can be a danger as well."

"One more question, Pachama. Sorry to pry. You've told me a lot, so I'll say just one more thing and then go on with my day. If you could remove magic completely without harming others... You just press a button, and suddenly there's no more magic. Would you do that?"

"Yes. Without question."

He nodded once more. "I understand. Do you mind if I hang out in the garden for awhile?"

"You may. I will remain up here for some time."

"Goodbye for now then, Pachama."

"And good luck to you, Eldrian."

He hopped to the ledge, and leapt off without a care. It seemed that he had already been improving since he first reunited with Kevin a few days ago. The other wizards here have had much to say. Though it wasn't perfect, the wizard floated back down to land his shoes against the plush green field.

That was two of the Three spoken to, and now he had just one left. The man in red would have to wait until tomorrow, however. In the meantime, Eldrian practised his magic, and spoke to the locals as he did before.


"Where are we?" spoke the hairless man. He was tall and thick, and still mentally exhausted by what he experienced just a few days back. He thought deeply about the masked man that took down him and both his friends without issue.

The room was dark. However, he wasn't alone. Beside him was his lanky, spindly companion, who somehow still had the twisted grin he always had drawn across his face. And even though he was quiet, the third was there—short, emotionless. Though, none of them took the loss very well. They were bothered still.

Even though it was dark, they could plainly see its dungeon-like appearance. It was likely somebody's basement. A single light bulb provided the small glow that showed each other and the unknown figure standing in front of them.

"I just woke up like this," spoke the skinny man. "Hehe. It's spooky in here."

"Everything's been kind of a blur since that man attacked us... Did that really happen? It feels like a dream. Or a nightmare," said the bald man.

"Hehe. Seemed pretty real to me."

"What are your names?" spoke a female's voice. It was the stranger before them.

The woman looked to be in her late twenties. Her hair was brown, and reached past her shoulders. Although her older appearance was obvious, and she seemed rather muscular and tough, she had a beauty about her. Within her hand was an ornate white mace trimmed with gold. It looked like something lifted straight from an RPG, yet there was no platekini barely covering her body. She had regular clothing—blue jeans, and a plain red t-shirt.

"Why should we tell ya, lady?" snorted the bald thug. "We don't know ya."

"My name is Asta Ahlgren. Now, speak your names, please," she said once more.

She spoke with a gentle Swedish accent. The voice itself was tough, but spoken softly. It was obvious that her voice had the potential to amplify far past the current tone. Not only that, but her presence intimidated them. She was nearly as tall as the larger of he thugs, and her piercing stare never faltered.

"Ron," muttered the baldy.

"Hehe. Call me Xeno, lady."

Ron spoke up again and added, "This shorter fellow's called Dylan. He doesn't speak much."

A sound startled them. It was the rising of a man towering above the rest. Just as before, he had no shirt, and was so incredibly muscular that even his muscles may have been muscular. His body loomed over them, but instead of running in fear, the three thugs scurried around him and gave him a hug.

"Boss-man! It was awful," cried Ron. "Were were beat by... I don't even know what."

"Hehe. Yeah. It was terrible!" muttered Xeno.

"I'll kill him!" screamed Dylan.

Interrupting the reunion, the woman continued. "You wish to have revenge on Eldrian, the wizard boy. This is obvious. What if I said I could help you with that? He's no longer alone, and that's a problem. However, I have something that could grant you all incredible power. Five doses left of the Elixir of Strength. Drink it, and you will change. There's no telling what will actually happen once you take from the Elixir. You may die. You may grow twice your size. You may fire lasers from your eyes. There's only one way to know for certain, and I will not force you to take it."

The four thugs looked between each other.

"What is she talking about?" asked Ron.

"I don't know," replied Xeno as he looked to her. "Hehe. Wizards? Elixirs? I don't know what you're talking about, but yeah. Of course we want revenge. Is this some sort of steroid?"

"It's something far beyond your normal comprehension. But sure. We can call it a steroid. One of ultimate, dark magical powers. A steroid of limitless offensive force! Cower in fear, if you don't understand the powers one might obtain from such an ancient mystic relic."

"Uh. All right," muttered Ron quietly.

Bursting through the group came their leader. His eyes glared down at the woman, and with little to no expression on his face, he out-stretched his hand and spoke plainly.

"I accept," came a booming deep voice.

"Good. I have enough left for the four of you, with a dose left over," spoke Asta.

From a pouch she pulled a sinister vial. The fluid inside was thick and purple, while the glass itself was covered in spiralling black vines. When she twisted off the lid, a plume of smoke poofed up and into the air in the shape of a skull. The lid itself was also the cup. She poured a small amount and offered the lid towards the hulking hands of the boss.

He took the shot.

There was no effect for a moment, but suddenly, he gripped his hands to his throat. His eyes bulged, and veins grew thick all over his body. Barely a breath could escape his throat. The man, once strong, dropped weakly to his knees as his skin turned pale. It only lasted a minute. Their boss collapsed to the ground with blood trickling out from his unmoving lips.

"Boss-man!" shouted Ron. "What happened?"

"It rejected him," Asta said bluntly. She sighed, and shut her eyes for a moment. "I apologize. At times, people are unable to handle the Elixir. If you don't wish to—"

"Give me that! Hehe," snickered Xeno. "I'm strong enough."

"As you wish."

Once more, she administered a dosage to one of the thugs. The first, the second, and the third consumed the Elixir of Strength, and unlike their boss lying lifelessly on the cold, stone floor, they choked only for a moment before opening their eyes.

  Stay tuned for Chapter Nine - One on the Inside!  

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