Chapter 8 - Three Two One

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Eldrian awoke the next morning beneath decorated sheets stuffed with the softest feathers. The room, however small, was an exotic and beautiful sight to behold. Tapestries of landscapes foreign yet comforting hung from the walls, and various clay pots and sculptures of animals lined the room. He began to worry that a wrong move would cost him a fortune in damages. However, sunlight pierced through the drapes covering the window at the far end of the room and pushed him to get up and out of bed. He was by no means a morning person, but there was a lot of work to be done.

The Three offered him clothes to sleep in, but a wizard must always be prepared. He was dressed in black pajama pants. With a wave of his arms, discs of incorporeal energy manifested around him and drifted apart, leaving behind them an outfit—his arcane blue wizard clothes.

Today he was going to find and speak with Pachama. He wasn't certain if he should believe Urco's words from the night before, but the man seemed genuine. The promise of secrecy should be honoured nonetheless.

Determined, he made his way from the room and down the marble halls. He soon came to the exit where all three of the monks stood, overlooking the grand courtyard where citizens scurried about. The sun illuminated the emerald fields. When his eyes took in the sights once more, he started to wonder just how far this landscape went.

"Hey, guys," Eldrian said as he approached them. "Just how big is your land anyway?"

When he moved beside them, they took a moment before turning their heads almost simultaneously towards the young wizard. It was Pachama that spoke. She gestured a hand through the air, pointing past the garden to distant trees and hills.

"Our world is much smaller than yours. We hide away here, preserving our secrets and our culture. This space covers only a few square miles. It is mostly farmland and homes. Beyond it, the forests and hills where many of the wildlife lives. We maintain a balance within this world. Along with our knowledge, we have been able to remain here for a long time."

"Do you think you'll ever come back to our Earth?"

"As long as your leaders continue to oppress that which they do not understand, or perhaps brutally control that which they do understand, we will always live here. Away from them."

Eldrian nodded. "I understand that. Can I talk to you now, Pachama? I'd like to hang out more with all your people, and see all these places, but I do need to take care of business first."

"Indeed. Let us go, Eldrian. Come. We will speak atop the temple." She turned to her allies. "Continue on with your duties, my friends. It will not take us long. I can read the worry on your faces too easily."

With that, the two of them moved back within the building. A spiral staircase wasn't far from the entrance. It brought them up, and up, and up. They eventually arrived to a break into the sky, as they stepped onto the roof. It overlooked the entirety of the area. She brought the wizard to ledge. Eldrian took a deep breath, and took a long gaze over everything.

"Why do you help us?" Pachama asked after a moment of quiet.

"I like helping, and I don't want to have some evil people running around taking power. We'll all be in trouble if that happens. Plus, Lucy asked, and she's my friend."

"You are wise, and kind. I fear we do not deserve your aid."

"Why? You've all been pretty good to me so far."

A quiet sigh escaped her lips. "The relationships of the Three have only grown more complex over time. I fear the worst. I wish not to get into great detail, but know that Urco and Huanca are more prone to impulsiveness than they used to be. We do not have the privilege to be that way."

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