Helping Friends

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I walked out of my last class and went down a hall looking for Buffy but trying not to be suspicious, I looked very innocent except for the slight amount of cleavage I revealed. I almost walked down the left corner until I saw Buffy and Willow talking, it seemed like they were talking about me "We can't make it obvious, she's still in school!" Willow exclaimed. Buffy sighed "I don't know, she seems like she can keep a secret" "It'd be better than Cordelia bothering us all the time" "True" they said walking my way. I tried to act like I didn't hear anything and rushed the other way, I stopped "Sam?" I turned "O-Oh hey guys?" "Hi wanna hang out with us?" "Of course where we going?" "The library" "Seems kinda boring" "Trust me it won't be after a while" "Ok?" We seen the door that was all red that displayed the title 'library' Buffy and Willow walked in.

I walked behind them "Oh thank God your here, I need you to patrol-" "Patrol what?" "I see..." Giles said cleaning his glasses. I tried to look clueless "Sam... This is Mr. Giles" "Just call me Giles" "I'm a friend of Buffy, Willow and-" "I know" he said rolling his eyes and putting on his glasses "D-Did I interrupt anything?" "Yes but let's push that aside" he muttered "Giles! Play nice!" Buffy said pointing at him. I smirked and looked at all of them "Patrol what? The cemetery?" "How'd she know this?!" Giles said angrily "I'm serious we never told her anything" "Why is she here?" "We thought she could help" "Help how? Seduce the vampires and demons?!" "Your being an ass right now" i said folding my arms "He's always like that" Buffy said.

Willow giggled and stopped when she saw Giles glaring at us "I wanted Buffy to patrol the cemetery yes" "B-Buffy at you the Slayer?" Buffy sighed "Yes" "I was guessing..." "Maybe you can patrol with her Sam?" Giles asked "Will you be nice to me?" "Yes..." Giles said with frustration. I smiled and walked out the school with Buffy on my side "It's getting late early" "That's how the hellmouth is, listen I'm sorry about Giles... He's the type to go to plan A with no inconvenience..." "I understand, it's not your fault" "Ok i just wanted you to know" I nodded and smiled as we got to the cemetery near Buffys house. We walked in and she passed me a stake "You know how to slay?" "Yes" "Good" I walked down a path with her and we were encountered with two heavy breathing vampires who smirked at us. I closed my eyes and wished they wouldn't comment about me being a vampire. To my surprise they didn't as Buffy and I went after to them with our stakes and they turned to dust. I sighed in relief as I turned to Buffy, after a couple slayings it was getting darker and darker.

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