"You're horrible Lauren!" She cried out and Lauren waited for a few moments. Sure enough, the sound of the closet door slamming was heard.

Camila waited exactly thirty one minutes until she made her way into the hallway. She had changed into a playsuit that had a white lace scalloped top and blue floral shorts. The straps were halted and left the entire outfit backless so if she moved from side to side you could catch sight of her badly bruised stomach. Her makeup was light and had unsuccessfully covered her bruises and grazes but they were definitely less noticeable than they were without makeup. Her hair fell around her face carelessly, held back by a white headband decorated with a bow.

"Very funny," Lauren commented on her lateness dryly, running her hands down her skintight, black dress.

"Whatever, lets go," Camila sulked and Lauren nodded.

She'd insisted they walk to where the party was being held, at some persons house who Camila had never heard of.

Lauren apparently knew them well.

"Are you gonna be like this all night?" Lauren asked as they reached the doorway.

"Yes," Camila muttered and Lauren glared at her.

"Fuck you Camila," She scowled before entering the house.

"Lauren, Camila, hiiii," Normani called, weaving her way through people to greet them.

She didn't notice Camila's watering eyes or Lauren's hard face, probably with the help of the alcohol. Dinah was right by her side, studying Camila's hurt expression.

"I can't do this," She muttered, brushing past the girls and disappearing into the crowd.

"Okay, is she okay?" Normani laughed, raising an eyebrow and Lauren rolled her eyes.

"She's got something up her ass," She explained and Normani nodded understandingly.

"Girl, you need a drink, follow me!"

It wasn't long until Camila found Vero, dancing amongst many others.

"Hey, dance with me," She called, dragging Camila closer to her by the wrist.

"Hey there, you're drunk," Camila smiled, steadying her.

"Tipsy," Vero corrected and Camila nodded.

"Oh okay then," She smiled in mock agreement that Vero was to drunk to pick up on.

"Do you need a drink, you need a drink," Vero answered her own question, handing the younger girl her own cup. Camila downed the contents because there was no way Vero was taking no as an answer.

"Hi," Camila felt a pair of hands on her hips and turned around to find Lucy smiling at her, "you look gorgeous, the bruises make the whole thing work so much better."

"Don't they just," Camila snorted, trying to hold Vero upright.

"I've got her," Lucy told her, wrapping an arm around the intoxicated girl so Camila could withdraw hers, "woah V, we need to get you a leash, you need to stop running off."

Possession ➸ CamrenWhere stories live. Discover now