Hiding In Plain Sight- Pt 3

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“This will be like taking candy from a baby.” ‘Zane’ said as he headed up to the deck.

Just as ‘Zane’ came onto the deck, the others landed their dragons.

“Hello, did you get the stone?” ‘Zane’ asked as the other ninja pulled off their hoods.

“Course we did! Though it might be a good idea to head away from the temple cause I think that dragon is not afraid of coming out.” Jay said thoughtfully

Everyone else shrugged in agreeance. Nya and Jay headed to got steer the bounty away, Kai went to go fixed his hair from all the lightning, Cole left to put his scythe away; leaving Lloyd, Loriah, and ‘Zane’ on the deck. Lloyd left a moment later to go check up on something. ‘Zane’ and Loriah stayed on the deck as the bounty now hovered over water.

“So do you know where the stone is?” ‘Zane’ asked slowly

“No.” Loriah said

“Do you know who has it?” ‘Zane’ said as he picked up a wooden staff and examined it.

“No, where is Echo?” Loriah asked, slowly becoming suspicious.

“Dunno, I'm sure he is fine.” ‘Zane’ said lazily

Before Loriah could react, ‘Zane’ knocked her weapon aside and pinned her down hard; knocking the breath out of her.

‘Zane’ tsked.

“Things would have gone much better if you truthfully answered my questions.” ‘Zane’ said, just as Lloyd came back onto the deck.

“What's going on?” Lloyd said before he spotted the commotion and rushed over

‘Zane’ let Loriah go, leaving her wheezing to catch her breath. Moving quickly, he then managed to pinned Lloyd against the mast.

“Zane, what's gotten into you!?” Lloyd cried out as he tried to get unpinned.

“A new personality. Any last words green ninja?” ‘Zane’ sneered

“Just a couple. GUYS! HELP NEEDED ON DECK!” Lloyd yelled

The other ninja then rushed out.

“Lloyd what's wrong-” Kai asked before seeing Loriah coughing and Zane pinning Lloyd.

‘Zane’ turned around.

“Bleh, do you ever separate and let a guy do a job in silence?” ‘Zane’ said distastefully

He then tossed Lloyd over at the others, knocking them down. They all quickly got back up.

“What did you do to our brother!?” Jay yelled

“Well can't seem to keep the act up longer. That’s a shame.” ‘Zane’ said as his hair turned black and his eyes turned red.

“We can do this two ways. You can either give me the stones that you have or you can be utterly defeated and I just find them on my own.” ‘Zane’ said as he held the wooden staff

“We going to go with number three. You give us Zane and then we get you off our home.” Cole said as Loriah then got up

“Alright then.” ‘Zane’ said before several shadows appeared beside him

“Attack.” ‘Zane’ commanded

The shadows did as they were told and charged towards the ninja. Each ninja was then preoccupied except for Lloyd. He managed to duck and dodge the oncoming attackers before making his way to ‘Zane’. Try as he might, ‘Zane ’ still managed to outsmart Lloyd. Lloyd found himself on the ground with the staff at his neck.

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