Chapter Thirty

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Jongin awoke when he heard the sound of muffled chattering. Rina was still fast asleep resting and Jongin was startled when he opened his eyes only to see the Chief looking at them blankly.

Jongin jolted up from the bed, falling off of it in the process landing awkwardly on the floor and Rina abruptly woke up too. Jongin was pretty sure his hair was sticking up in different directions and he looked nowhere near presentable to the Chief.

The three of them exchanged rather awkward glances at each other before the silence was broken by the Chief's awkward cough.

"Kai. Rina." He simply stated their names with a small but uncomfortable smile.

Jongin scrambled up from the floor smoothing out his clothes and flattening his hair quite violently before smiling towards the chief.

"Uh I'll just leave you two alone to speak..." He slowly back away from the room, stealing a short glance at Rina who was clearly embarrassed but was stifling her laughter at how awkward Jongin was being.

The Chief turned his attention towards Rina who was lying on the bed. He grabbed the chair on the side and planted himself in place. Rina took a good look at the man she had known for practically her whole life and had been like a father to her.

He did not look good. His face looked skinnier and he had dark circles underneath his eyes. His hair had not been combed out as it has been usually and his suit was disjointed as if he had left the house without looking inside the mirror.

"Rina." He rasped out as his eyes were filled with tears.

"This was my entire fault. I should have pulled you from the mission the moment Kai I had told me to, and then none of this would have happened!" He suddenly broke down into tears.

Rina placed her hand onto his shoulder

"Sir, it doesn't matter what happened... I am alive that is all that matters at this very moment. We cannot go back in time and change events." Rina tried to reassure him.

"Your legs though Rina..." He said quietly.

"I will get better. Some way. Somehow. You know me, Sir, I am not someone who gives up easily, I mean I got you to put me on a mission.." She chuckled slightly.

The Chief lifted his head, seeing Rina smile the way, just as her mother did, but also a similar way to her father because her eyes would crinkle up in the cutest way.

"Your mother and father would be proud of you." He said proudly.

Rina smiled, looking towards the window and up to the sky where the sun was shining brightly amongst the city as if she felt like her mother and father were watching over her fondly.


A.N: Play Thinking Out Loud By Ed Sheeran... I personally can really imagine Rina and Jongin actually dancing to this song...

A few weeks later Rina had started her physiotherapy with Jongin's help and encouragement. He carried Rina over to the wheelchair and began pushing her along the corridor to the physiotherapy room.

"You get to come back home today, right?" Jongin asked.

"Yes!" Rina shouted out loud, causing everyone to stare at them.

Jongin chuckled deeply and apologized.

"Great... I missed sleeping on an actual bed that can fit both of us on there!"

"Hey look you were the one who came pouting to me that you didn't want to leave and stole my beauty sleep away..." Rina countered back.

"Sure, whatever you say Rina..." Jongin teased.

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