Chapter Twenty Six

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Rina and Jongin sat in the car in silence. Jongin was not saying a word and did not react at all when Rina placed her hand over his and attempted to intertwine them together but he had jerked his hands away clasping them together at his lap.

The Chief had told them over the earpiece that everything was now a complete mess and that things will now have to start from scratch again. They didn't know how S.A.B.R.E had managed to set them up tonight but what they did know was everything was now hanging at the end of a very thin and brittle piece of thread.

"Jongin..." Rina called out to him quietly but received no reply.

He was focussed on looking out the window watching the buildings and car's fly past in a blur, he tightly gripped his hands together when he heard Rina call him to stop himself from crying again as he did before.

He could see Rina's worried expression through the reflection of the car window before she turned her attention away from him and fiddled around with her hands. Jongin had picked up that she always did this when she was nervous or worried about something.

So for the rest of the drive, they both sat in silence reflecting on how the night had started off in such happiness had now turned so bleak and dark.. How everything they had both worked so hard for over the past two weeks was now just crumbling to pieces.


When the car had arrived late at night Jongin got out of the car in a hurry and rushed up to the house door to unlock it and went inside without a word. Rina on the other hand, was still getting out of the car trying to ignore the sting she was feeling at her neck after that man had strangled her so harshly.

She thanked the driver with a weak smile before trudging over into the house. She made her way up the familiar steps slowly and walked across the corridor past Jongin's room where the door was sealed shut and a dim light was radiating off it.

Rina sighed deeply to herself before walking away from Jongin's room and into hers that lay at the end of the corridor. She stepped inside shutting the door and leaned her back against it.

She could still feel Jongin's grip on her when he had held her tightly this evening as he cried into her neck.

"Why is he shutting me out?" Rina whispered to herself in frustration and padded over to the dresser.

She unclasped the pocket watch that she had worn on her neck this evening and took off her earrings before eyeing herself in the mirror. She felt a little upset how she had managed to spoil such a beautiful dress this evening after she had decided to rip the hem off the bottom and how the peach colour had now become discoloured with red. Her gaze was torn away from the mirror and grabbed her towel and pyjama's and headed into the bathroom to shower but before she stepped in she glanced over at Jongin's room hoping his door would now be slightly open as it usually was but it was still sealed shut.

Rina sadly stepped into the bathroom and tossed the dress to the side and stepped into the hot water. She bit back a gasp when the water stung my neck but soon ignored the pain and decided to wash up quickly and got dressed into her comfortable clothing. She was ruffling my hair to dry it off a bit and walked back out into the dark corridor.

Again she looked across towards Jongin's room where there was no light radiating off it.

"He must have gone to sleep..." Rina thought to herself and bit her lip in worry.

She went inside her room not bothering to fold her clothing up neatly and simply flicked the lights off. She made her way into the bed drawing the blanket over her small frame and closed her eyes.

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