Chapter Six

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Lee Rina was walking towards her university feeling proud of herself she was sure she had made Jongin think twice about messing around with her now. She smiled at the memory of the look on his face when she had gripped his hair pulling it.

She saw Minji in the distance and waved to her and picked up the pace of her walking and instead was practically running towards Minji.

"MIIIIINNJI!!!!!" Rina shouted across the street causing everyone to stare at both of them.

Minji face palmed her forehead and sighed deeply to herself and when she looked up she saw Rina standing there with the biggest smile her face.

"Hi." Rina simply said.

Minji lifted her face up looking at Rina trying not to smile but she couldn't help it. Rina had one of those warm smiles that made her want to smile too.

"Hello to you too! Was it really necessary to shout my name from across the street Rina?" She asked feeling embarrassed.

"Of course how else would I of gotten your attention and Minji you look so tired!" Rina said looking worried.

"Of course, I'm tired! Do you remember what you made me do last night? You mad me have 5 cans of energy drinks and watch films with you until 2am in the morning!" Minji ranted.

"Yeaaaah but you could have said no... Instead you said nothing and kept drinking the energy drinks!" Rina grinned at Minji.

"Oh whatever, just to be clear we are not doing that again.. I had such a bad headache this morning because I'm not used to drinking energy drinks and you were not there where did you go anyway?" Minji asked curiously.

"Oh.. um I just went to the shelter to uh volunteer and help out... I forgot to tell you that yesterday." Rina lied.

'Okay Minji is not going to buy that lie.' Rina scolded herself in her thoughts.

Minji looked at Rina suspiciously before saying:

"I'm surprised you actually managed to get up before me... Normally I have to drag you out of sleep." Minji said with a chuckle.

Rina forced a laugh too and felt relieved that Minji had brought her little white lie and they both walked into the university and into their lecture.


The lecture passed by slowly and Rina couldn't help but be excited for this evening where they were finally going plan out there mission precisely so that they can meet the deadline of two weeks.

Lee Rina finally felt like she was part of something important, she was beginning to feel like an agent who was actually going to contribute to U.N.T.

As Lee Rina was too busy stuck in thought and soon felt someone poking her and calling her name which made her snap back to reality.

"Lee Rina stop daydreaming and lets go!" Mina said whilst dragging me out of the lecture hall.

"Heh sorry about that I was just thinking and owwww you're hurting me!" Rina whined and Minji released her grip from Rina's wrist.

"I called you so many times and you didn't even react to it! Now come on let's go home.. I want to tell you something."

Rina then realised that she couldn't go home and she had to go back to headquarters to meet the arrogant ass again.

"Um Minji I've got to go back out again..." Rina said not making eye contact with her.

"Out? Out where? You barely ever go out in the evenings...?" Minji questioned her.

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