Chapter Four

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Lee Rina stormed away from Jongin and towards the other elevator which she would not have to share with Jongin.

She stepped inside and sighed to herself thinking about the last words that the chief has left them both with: "Remember coming together is a beginning, keeping together is progress: working together is success..."

She scoffed to herself and said out loud

"Yeah right as if Kim Jongin can work with others..."

The elevator dinged and came to a stop and Rina exited only to crash into something hard. She took a step back and saw that the person she had bumped into was none other than Jongin. He was wearing much casual clothing and simply said to Rina:

"Tomorrow 6am we start training... Don't be late."

And with that, he strolled off walking picking up his bag and grinned and exited headquarters leaving Rina standing there confused about how Jongin had managed to get down to the ground floor before her.

Rina pulled out her pocket watch and checked the time which read 8pm...

'Oh crap Minji..!!!' She thought and ran outside to the nearest bus stop waiting in the cold winter weather.

She was waiting outside for a good 15 minutes but there was still no sign of the bus and it then suddenly began to snow leaving Lee Rina shivering and rubbing her arms from the cold snowflakes hitting her skin. A silver van then pulled up in front the bus stop leaving her confused until the tinted window rolled down revealing Jongin and Rina's facial expression completely changed,

"Need a lift?" He asked with a smirk on his face.

"No. I'm good." Rina then began walking away from the car but the car still slowly followed her.

"You sure?"

"Jongin I'd rather walk than get in that car with you. God knows where you will take me!" Rina picked up her pace and continued walking.

"So what your going to walk all the way home in the snow and probably end up getting a cold" He asked still following her with the car but Rina continued to ignore him. He soon gave up and ended up driving away.

A few minutes later the bus had arrived and Lee Rina got on and was on her way back home but what she didn't know was that Jongin had come back but he was just a second too late.


When Lee Rina had arrived back to the apartment Minji was giving her a lecture of how she should have messaged her to say she would be out with some friends.

"I was so worried! Do you know how worried I was? Don't answer that of course, you don't! I went out looking for you for an hour!" Minji ranted on.

"But the point is that I am here now safe and sound right?" Rina tried to convince her with a cheery voice but Minji just glared at her but then softened:

"Okay that's true but I hope you learnt your lesson not to worry me again... You actually missed the pizza I brought without you" She grinned.

"PIZZA! YOU HAD PIZZA WITHOUT ME!?" Rina whined and complained about how Minji knew pizza was her favourite take out. As Rina continued to complain Minji just stood there laughing.

"Oh your lying aren't you?" Rina questioned.

"Oh Lee Rina since when have I ever eaten pizza without you idiot!"

"But Minji how could you lie about PIZZA!? What you did just now was not funny at all.." Rina pouted.

"You fall for the same tricks all the time Lee Rina when will you ever learn?" She said with a chuckled and grabbed her mobile to order pizza which resulted in Rina running around the apartment screaming pizza at the top of her lungs.


Rina and Minji fell asleep at around 2am watching films as a result of Rina clicking on another one each time one finished and so they had both passed out on the sofa.

When Rina had woken up half asleep/half awake to check the time her eyes winded in shock. She was going to be late for training and only had 15 minutes to get ready and haul her ass over to headquarters.

So she cautiously and quietly rushed to her bedroom to get read and quickly wrote a note to Minji on a post it note which she stuck on her head.

'Wouldn't want her to get worried about me again...' Rina thought and then smiled at the fact how lucky she was to have a friend like Minji.

She left the apartment quietly and began running towards the bus stop just in time to get on the bus and over to headquarters. When the bus stopped outside she ran as fast as her legs could take towards the elevator and waited but then realised it was taking way to long so she resorted to going up 15 flights of stairs as fast as she could.

She bursted into the training room out of breath only to see Jongin standing using his mobile.

"You late."He stated without looking up from his mobile.

"I'm only late by 20 minutes. The bus got delayed" Rina lied as he put down her stuff.

"No it wasn't delayed, You just got up late" Jongin simply said whilst pointing towards her hair which she didn't have time to sort out.

"At least I'm here like you asked... I could have not turned up at all" She said whilst tying up her long brown hair into a pony.

"I would have actually preferred it if you didn't show up at all. That way I could have just gone to chief telling him you were not committed." He replied back whilst walking towards Rina stopping a few steps away from her.

"So Lee Rina let's see just how strong you really think you are...." Jongin then kicked her shin and Rina yelped in pain falling to the ground.

"First lesson of the day: Always be ready for an attack..." Jongin said simply with the same grin of arrogance slapped onto his face.

Rina got up and glared at Jongin ready to prove that she was not weak he told her she couldn't but she was about to work twice as hard to prove him wrong.....

A/N: Surprise it's a two chapter update!!! And now the next chapter I'm pretty sure you can guess what is about to take place between Rina and Jongin. Will she prove to Jongin she isn't weak? Will she shock him? Comeback tomorrow to find out what happens next..!

Thanks for all the love and support


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