Chapter Ten

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The door to the room Jongin was sitting in had shut with a powerful slam and Lee Rina was storming down the hall and was certainly not in a good mood.

"Hey Rina, wanna grab some lu-" Chiwon was cut off by Rina who simply pushed past him walking towards the exit.

"Not today Chiwon." She said simply without looking at him.

Rina plugged her earphones into her ears and sat on the bus with a scowl on her face for the entire ride back home. When she arrived back at the apartment she had completely forgotten that Minji would be waiting for.

Rina flung open the apartment door and Minji came rushing towards her but then stopped herself and glared at Rina.

"Where the fuck have you been Rina!?" Minji shouted at her.

"I stayed at a friend's house last night since we went out after helping out at the shelter." Rina explained coldly to Minji.

"You didn't think to call me not once? I was going out of my mind. 24hours Rina you were gone!"

"Well I'm here now and I'm fine." Rina pushed past Minji heading towards her room.

"Rina I thought you were bloody dead or something!" She mumbled but Rina heard it and froze.

She was suddenly running back towards Minji apologising repeatedly for worrying her and this time and she promised it was not going to ever happen again.

"You know you missed a lecture today Rina!" Minji said whilst they were eating.

"We had a lecture today! Shit well I'm practically going to be scolded by Mr Kim tomorrow." Rina whined.

"Oh chill out Rina. I got your back remember... I just said you were ill."

Rina slumped down in relief.

"But I managed to pick up the work for you to complete!" Minji grinned at her.

"I HAVE TO DO WORK TOO? Can't I just copy off yours pleeeeaaase!!" Rina complained and pleaded Minji.

"Rina you're not dumb so stop being a lazy ass and just do the work without having to copy me." Minji then went back to eating and Rina frowned at the fact she now had to juggle completing this work, S.A.B.R.E and of course who could forget the arrogant ass Kim Jongin.

"So who's did you spend the rest of the evening with and nearly the whole day today with? Was it a boy?" Minji asked so casually whilst Rina was practically choking on the water she was drinking.

"So I'm right it was a boy..." Minji grinned slyly at Rina who was still coughing whilst trying to hide the pain she was feeling in her stomach again.

Once it vanished Rina glared at Minji.

"What kind of friend are you? I could have died choking on the water and you didn't even ask if I was okay!"

"Well your okay now...But Rina tell me about this boy you stayed over with... Got a boyfriend have you?"

"Okay 1. I never said it was a boy 2. Even If I did have a boyfriend don't you think I would tell you and 3. We are not continuing with this conversation now." Rina stated as if nothing could change her mind.

"Fine but this guy must be real good looking if you keep going back to shelter every evening..."

"MINJI PLEASE SHUT UP!" Rina blurted out loud.

"Okay okay fine then, I'm just curious."

Rina suddenly remembered that Minji had been wanted to tell her something for the past two days and now seemed like a good time to bring it back up since they were on the topic of Rina's so called 'boyfriend'.

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