Special Chapter Part One

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Rina stood there in her wedding dress as the women around her assisted her making sure there were no creases or ruffles in the light skirt of the dress that effortlessly flowed down to the floor. The sleeves were laced stopping halfway at her arm and the back was exposed slightly showing off the toned and bronze skin. Her soft brown hair was left in loose curls but also pinned back on both sides. They had also embedded white flowers in her hair matching the dress perfectly.

Rina eyed herself in the tall glass mirror looking down at the features of her dress. She remained silent even when the women had exited the room quietly leaving her stuck in her thoughts.

She heard the slight creak of the door and the click of footsteps against the wooden floorboard. The Chief came up behind her with a faint smile playing on his lips as he saw Rina standing proudly in her dress.

'You are a spitting image of your mother...' He said with tears welling up in his eyes.

"I miss her.... I miss them a lot more than usual these days..." Rina whispered.

The Chief sighed before rummaging through his pocket for something. Seconds later he pulled out a very familiar object that was now on a chain. He unclasped it easily and brushed Rina's hair slightly to the side as he secured it around her neck.

Rina's hand trailed up towards the pocket watch that was old but held such a significant meaning for her.

"Open it..." The Chief said gesturing her to the small lock that lay on the side. Rina unbuckled the lock opening the secret entrance where a picture of her all three of them lay.

Herself as a child along with her mother and father.

Rina grazed the edge of the small picture and smiled looking up at the chief.

"They are always with you Rina. They would be proud of the woman you have become today and most importantly you have found someone you love. Someone who can help you through all the difficulties when they are not here."

Rina threw her arms around the chief engulfing him a loving and warm hug for everything he has done for her and has continued to do.

"Thank you." She whispered to him as she pulled away.

A knock sounded at the door and Chanyeol peaked into the room cautiously. He made eye contact with Rina before letting his lips form a rather wide smile.

"What?" Rina looked down at herself checking her dress again.

"Oh nothing... Just that you look drop dead gorgeous and I think Jongin is going to freak out when he sees you. In the good way of course."

Rina giggled feeling slightly more relaxed at Chanyeol's words.

The Chief smiled widely and held out his arm towards Rina.

"You ready?" He whispered.

She linked her arm with his and gave the Chief a small nod.

"GREAT NOW LETS GET YOU AND JONGIN MARRIED!" Chanyeol shouted loudly in excitement running out of the room.


Jongin stood at the top of the altar fiddling with his tie as nerves stirred up inside of him. He couldn't keep still and kept wandering around until Baekhyun gripped his shoulders stopping him.

"Jongin, calm down okay. Relax a little and everything will run smoothly. You didn't drink too much last night did you?" He attempted to reassure him but it clearly wasn't working.

"Baek, what if I mess up on my vows? What if the rings go missing?"

Baekhyun drastically sighed before lightly slapping Jongin on the cheek catching attention.

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