Chapter Eight

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Rina had made it behind the bar hidden from Minji's sight. She exhaled a breath of relief that she hadn't seen her but suddenly thought about the black haired boy she had seen her smiling and holding hands with.

'Is this what she wanted to tell me? Is she now in relationship with that boy she was with?"

She thought about Minji's behaviour deeply and sighed at the fact that the whole mission could have been ruined all because of her she buried her head into her knees and when she looked up again Jongin was standing in front of her.

"Okay what the hell happened there?" He asked very seriously.

"I messed up big time that's what happened." Rina simple stated staring dead into Jongin's eye.

"Well I know that you messed up but why? One minute you were fine, the next minute you're almost screwing up the entire mission."

"It's nothing... I just got too nervous at the wrong time." She lied and Jongin knew she was lying.

"Okay then explain why you completely ducked down when that girl and boy walked through the door? Is he an boyfriend or something?" He asked her.

Heat began to rush to Rina's cheeks when she realised what he was asking her:

"Oh um no he is not my boyfriend but my best friends boyfriend..." Rina mumbled.

"And I'm guessing you have feelings for him too?" Jongin said with unsurity.

"Oh god no.. Jheeze Jongin my life isn't some kind of K-Drama! I was specifically trying to avoid my best friend from seeing me..."

"Why though?" He asked already knowing the answer but just wanted to annoy her.

"Are you dumb or something Jongin... She cannot know I am an agent that is the most important rule of the U.N.T and you forgot it..." She said sounding annoyed at him.

"Oh I knew that, I just wanted to annoy you." He said with a smirk.

"I managed to put the microphone onto him and headquarters are listening in on the full meeting. We just have to stay here and make sure no civilians are put at risk. Think you can do that Lee Rina?" He asked with a mocking tone.

Rina simply ignored him and peeked over the bar to see if Minji and that boy were still sitting there.

"Oh and your friend left a while ago" Jongin said whilst picking at his nails.

"Why the hell didn't you say before... I've been sitting on this sticky dirty floor for a while."

"Well you didn't ask!" He retorted back.

"I shouldn't have to ask... You knew I was hiding from them in the first place you dumbass!" Rina was almost shouting at him.

Before their argument could get any deeper to the point where people would be staring at them three gun shots echoed through the room which were soon filled with screams.

Rina was up onto her feet in a second and Jongin was already pulling out a gun hidden in the waist belt on his black pants. Rina looked at Jongin panicking that she didn't have anything to use to defend herself... But instead of giving her something he jumped over the bar counter without another glance at Rina.

Gun shots were flying across the room and Rina ducked back behind the bar for cover and watched Jongin as he just his weapon to eliminate the targets. Rina observed and watched the way he moved as he hid behind objects for cover and is concentrated serious facial expressions.

"Shit." Rina heard Jongin say out as he tossed his gun to the side and suddenly his fists became the only weapon he could use.

Rina exhaled and tried to unfreeze herself from behind the bar

'Be brave Rina, even if you fall seven times stand up 8..' She repeated her mother's words to herself. She then rolled out from behind the bar and soon countered a man coming towards her holding a gun. Rina did not know what had come over her when she kicked the gun out of the man's hand and then kicked him again in the chest sending him tumbling towards the chairs.

Somehow Jongin had made his way to her and they were know standing back to back and the men with masks on were coming towards them:

"About time you showed up Rina... I was wondering if you were actually going to move that ass of yours over here and help me..." Rina could practically feel that he was smirking.

"Did you think I was going to stay hiding the entire time when you could barely manage all these men yourself?" Rina hissed back at him although she was trying hard to focus on how long they had before the men would reach them.

There small conversation came to an end as they focussed on the men circling around them and stood in stance and Jongin said one last thing

"Let's see if you can keep up with me Lee Rina..."

Jongin prevented the first punch from hitting his face by grabbing the man's wrist and twisted it making him yell in pain and then slammed his head into the table knocking him unconscious. Soon another man was coming up to him pointing a gun and Jongin used the body as a shield to prevent him from getting shot and then kicked the man in the knee.

Rina on the other hand had elbowed someone in the gut and then elbowed them in the face causing them to drop onto the ground. Rina grabbed one of the chairs perched on the ground and slammed it straight into and man's back.

Rina took a chance to glance at Jongin who seemed to be taking 4 guys at the same time and when another man was sneaking up behind Jongin she cried out a warning:

"Jongin, behind you!"

She tossed the broken wooden chair leg to him to use as a weapon and he stabbed it into the man's stomach without looking at him.

A scream then sounded out which Rina then followed and she witnessed a man wearing a black mask covering his entire face trying pry the woman's child out of her hands.

Rina didn't have to think twice about what she did but before she could act the man had already sensed her coming and sent a hard punch to her stomach and then gripped her hair in his hands whilst repeatedly punching her in the same spot causing her to cough. She looked towards the woman and her child pleading with her eyes for them to run and so they did.

She soon spotted a gun lying to the floor and kicked the man in shin and grabbed the gun and pointed it at him with shaky hands. The man stood there frozen but soon saw that Rina was hesitating to shoot and was beginning to move towards her again.

"Do-Don't move or I'll shoot" She stuttered out between coughs.

"You? Shoot me?" The man laughed at her and still continued to move towards her.

Rina closed her eyes, her palmed were sweaty and her fingers were edging towards the trigger. But before she could shoot another gunshot had sounded causing her to open her eyes in shock as she saw the bullet hit the man's arm and he gripped it in pain. She looked behind her to see Jongin standing there glaring at the man with his chest heaving. He was about to shoot again but the man shattered window and fled.

Rina looked at Jongin and saw his hair was not longer swept neatly back as it was before, his lip was split and bleeding and his white waiter's shirt was drenched in blood.

He made eye contact with her and simply said:

"Never hesitate to shoot. Your life depends on it."

Rina stared blankly at Jongin before she started coughing and she gripped her stomach with one hand and the other was on her mouth. When she her hand away there was blood on it. She looked up at Jongin whose eyes widened in shock before black spots began to cloud her vision and she fell to the floor.

The last thing she heard was Jongin saying was

"They went too far..."

A/N: Finally I'm giving you guys an action packed chapter! Rina's badass side starts to show but what has happened to Rina? More importantly what information did they manage to find out about S.A.B.R.E and why did that fight suddenly break out?

Check back tomorrow for a new update to find out what happens next!


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