Chapter Three

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"WHAT!?" They both shouted outloud staring at the chief in shock!

Jongin began wiping his face after Rina had spat a rather large amount of water on him. Rina looked towards Jongin realising what she had done and how he looked furious at her.

"Ooooh sorry Jongin my bad." She said whilst trying to stifle her laughter which only made Jongin glare at her deeply before looking towards the chief saying:

"I can't work with someone like this... She just spat water all over me and didn't even apologise for it!" He whined.

"Chief there is no way I am working with Jongin. Isn't there someone else you can pair me up with apart from this arrogant ass over here?" Rina complained.

The chief was about to answer until Jongin bursted out shouting

"Who the hell do you think you are calling me an ass?" He said with anger laced in his tone.

"Well I'm only stating the truth... that's what you are an ass... Wouldn't you agree chief?" She grinned at Jongin which only made him angrier.

The chief stood there watching their argument unfold quicker than a piece of paper.

"Chief.. She is inexperienced, weak and will be a liability if she is placed onto this mission... Let me take this mission myself. You know I do not work with anyone sir I work alone on my missions and get the job done quickly. So do the right thing and give this to someone you can actually rely on to get the job done." Jongin made eye contact with the chief hoping to change his mind.

"Inexperienced!? Weak?! A liability?!" Rina gave a death stare towards. Jongin was sure he had hit a nerve in Rina and she was about to explode.

"I am just as bloody good an agent you are Kim Jongin... I may not have experience but at least I'm not a cocky little boy like you! Yes I am inexperienced within the field but weak Jongin I could take you out anyway just you watch." Rina took a deep breath and shot a threatening glare him his direction.

"There. Is. No. Way. I. am. Working. With him." She empathised each and every word towards the chief who had been observing their argument and was silent

He then spoke after what had seemed like eternity:

"There is a reason why the rest of the board has decided to pair you both together for this mission." He explained and then looked towards Jongin.

"Kai you have been part of the U.N.T for many years but have never completed with someone, you have always done it alone. Therefore you have a weakness and that is working with other people."

Jongin was about to answer back but decided against it as now was not the time. The chief then looked towards Rina and said:

"Rina you have worked in the same department for many years too and have always constantly come up to me wishing to prove yourself as a worthy field agent but now that you have chance, you are stopping yourself all because you do not want to work with someone. Also Lee Rina you have worked in here long enough to know we do not send beginner agents alone on the field as well."

Rina nodded her head understanding everything that the chief was saying but Jongin sat there annoyed about the fact he would have to work with an inexperienced agent who had just called him an ass.

"This pairing benefits you both and this mission is important...So that is why the board has decided that you two must spend session training with each other. Learn each other's strengths, trust each other and most importantly learn how to protect each other because this mission is dangerous. S.A.B.R.E is dangerous and shows no mercy towards anyone based on how easily they took down other agencies"

"Wait wait wait... Not only do I have to work with her on this mission but your also making me train her if that's possible of course.." Jongin said blankly.

"Just you wait Kim Jongin. Just you wait." Rina said threateningly whilst smiling at him.

Before the argument could get any further the chief spoke again

"The decision remains final the two of you will be working together on this mission however, there is a time limit to how long you may spend on this as we are sure that S.A.R.B.R.E will strike again soon." The chief said in a serious tone.

"Time limit.? Please sir I'm known for getting all my missions done within 2 months.." Jongin said confidently whilst leaning back on the two heals of his chair.

"Then 2 weeks should be fine for you."

Jongin nearly fell back off his chair hearing the time limit and both Rina and Jongin said in unison

"2 WEEKS!?"

"That is impossible no agent has ever completed a mission within 2 weeks.." Rina stated as she knew this from when agents had sent their mission reports to her to file.

"Then be the first ones... I have much belief that the two of you can work within this time limit and bring down S.A.B.R.E for good.."

Jongin and Rina just stared at the chief blankly over all this new information they were receiving until Jongin said:

"Well I'll be there first one to do this not sure about Rina though?"

"You just can't help yourself can you hm?" Rina said annoyed.

"Stop provoking each other and arguing... Do you not understand how much is at risk here? Your session of training together will be beginning tomorrow and from there you both must start collecting information on S.A.B.R.E and report back to me. Please understand that we are relying on BOTH of you for this."

The chief ended the meeting quickly and dismissed  seeming to get annoyed with ether constant arguing. As they were both walking towards the door shooting looks at each other the chief stated one last thing to them both:

"Remember coming together is a beginning, keeping together is progress: working together is success..."

And with that last line Jongin and Rina stormed out the room going in opposite directions.

A/N: Another chapter full of info but don't worry things will be heating up real soon and some plot twists just may be coming your way. I give you a small hint... There is a clear and distinct reason why Lee Rina has been specifically chosen for this mission not just to rove she is worthy. Keep reading to find out guys!

Thanks for reading everyone!


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