Chapter Twenty One

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The next day Rina stayed in bed for the entire morning. She didn't move, she didn't look at Jongin once when he was sitting on the edge of the bed and she didn't speak.

She kept her back to him at all times to only mumbling slight yes or no answers when needed. When Jongin would leave the room she would flip herself over and stare at the white ceiling. She was left with all these unanswered questions and alternative routes on how Minji could still be alive today.

'Would Minji forgive me? Would she of understood why I kept my identity hidden from her? Did she hate me when I left her for two days?' Rina wondered.

She thought about the note that she had seen scrawled in blood. She knew that someone was targeting her and that someone was probably Yeon Woo.

But the question that lay stuck in her head was why?

Rina furiously brought her fist down onto the bed.

"No." She whispered.

She wasn't going to just wallow around in grief. Minji wouldn't want that. Rina sat up abruptly pushing herself out of the bed and setting herself the mission to get dressed.

They only had 5 days left to complete this mission and she was not going to stop now.

She got dressed as quick as she could and placed her hand on the knob of the door opening it to make her way down the stairs.

She didn't have the chance to see Jongin's house last night so she found her eyes wandering off looking at the unique aspects of his house. As she padded down the stairs she turned her attention to the wall where there was a large quote printed there along with sketches of people dancing.

Rina traced her hand across the quote reading it out loud:

'Dance is a conversation between body and soul.'

She looked at the sketches of people dancing to different styles and smiled at how beautiful each one was. All sketched and painted to perfection capturing the adventure of dance. She tore her gaze away from the sketches and saw that she was now on the last step of the stairs.

Rina looked around hoping to see Jongin around the living room. The smell of toast, coffee and warmth wrapped around and she saw the TV had been left on and the sofa was left with the pillows scattered everywhere. The coffee table was also occupied with a plate full of crumbs and a half eaten slice of toast.

She cautiously walked around the room trying to find Jongin and then came to a conclusion that he wasn't here.

'Looks like I'm going to have to search around this big house for him..'


Rina opened one door after the other hoping one of them would finally reveal where Jongin was. She sighed annoyed after opening the fifth door that had led her to an arcade room which she assumed Jongin would hang around in with his friends.

She shut the door gently and walked down the long corridor hearing the faint sound of music playing. As she got closer and closer the music began to intensify and vibrate in her ears and she spotted a door left wide open.

She slowly walked closer to the door and soon saw Jongin's figure moving around the room. She leaned against the door frame mesmerised by every move his body made as he danced in time with the soft music. He turned elegantly, his body in tune with the slow music. His hands moved sharply but with smoothness and flair with every movement. Every distinct movement flowed perfectly together in sync and it was stunning in every way.

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