Chapter nineteen.

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A/N: My birthday was actually really fun. hah!

Now, on to the story!
(I didn't spell check, so excuse the mistakes)

Harry's POV

I can't sleep at all. Perhaps it's because my boyfriends-I love being able to call Niall that- mum told me I can't be with him anymore. What kind of person does that?

She won't keep me from being with him. I don't care how much she threatens me, she won't succeed, and I most definitely won't let her.

I groaned and got up from my bed, walking down to the kitchen to get a drink of water.

"Harry?" I heard a feminine voice whisper my name.

"Uh, yeah?"

"It's Gemma. I forgot you can't see me.." She giggled. "What are you doing up so late?"

"Got some things on my kind. What about you?" I whispered, careful to not wake up mum.

"Oh, well I was actually going out somewhere.." Gemma replied. I gave her a confused look even though I knew she most likely couldn't see it.

"Out? At this time of night? Where?" She mumbled something, but I couldn't quite catch it. "Speak clearly, Gem."

She sighed. "A party. I'm going to a party, Harry."

"No you aren't." I yelled.

"Shut up! You'll wake mum! But, yes I am. That's what I said, didn't I?" I could feel Gemma's attitude swirl around in the room.

"It is what you said, but listen to what I said. No you aren't. I'm not letting you go to some party. Do you realize that a lot of drinking goes on? You'd probably drink too much and do something stupid that'll embarrass all of the Royal family." I crossed my arms.

"Oh, please. Harry, you used to party all the time and get wasted, while you were at it! Embarrass the Royal family? I'm not exactly involved in Royalty, it's just me..Gemma..the queen's daughter. When you were born, either I would be princess or you would be prince, guess who got it? You. The least you could do is let me go have some fun!" Gemma yelled harshly.

"Why did you choose to bring that against me? I didn't have any choice, any part of that. I'm still not letting-" I was interrupted by a hand on my chest.

"Goodbye, Harry." She shoved me aside and slammed the door. My mouth fell right open. She really just did that to me.

Only one thing was on my mind. I mean, I have a lot on my mind, but Gemma is a big part of it.

I need to go find her.

I grabbed a jumper and slipped on some shoes then, left. But not before taming a couple of my curls.

I drove slowly, hoping I'd see her car somewhere on the road, but I didn't. Not that I thought I would, but it was worth a shot I suppose.

I pulled over to the nearest university. The party was obviously going on here since music filled my ears, alcohol filled my nose, and lights blinded my eyes. I scanned the parking lot, but Gemma's car wasn't in my sight.

"Hey baby. Wanna come home with me?" A slut of a girl walked over to me and slurred out an attempt at a flirty sentence.

"No. Do you mind getting the hell out of my sight?" I snapped harshly than I meant to. I'm on a mission and I don't have time for any of this.

Royalty (narry au) (PART 2 COMING SOON)Where stories live. Discover now