Chapter seven.

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A/N: you guys are so sweet, aw.

Harry's POV

It was only 9:00 am, so I have plenty of time before I can get my game 25% off. Weird sounds came from my stomach and I realized I hadn't ate anything.

My feet patted against the carpet and into the kitchen. What shall I have today? My father tells me I should only eat food fit for a prince.

In my mind, that doesn't make sense at all. Maybe pancakes would be a good idea? I got out the mix and poured a good enough amount onto a pan.

It sizzled and began cooking soon after. To my surprise, someone knocked at the door. I left the kitchen and opened the door.

"Hello Prince Harold." The woman at the door greeted. I know i've seen her somewhere. "I'm from channel 67 news." Ah, that's where.

"Yes you are. Why are you here?" I asked knowing my mum probably would have gotten on me and told me to not be rude. When you think about it, it isn't really rude. I just asked a question and wanted a answer.

"I would like to sit down with you and ask a couple questions." She said. I sighed.

"Look, I don't really have time."

"Please, prince. Just a few." I gave in. I don't feel like fighting with her today. "Have a seat at the table, I'll be right back."

I walked to the kitchen and took my pancakes off the stove, turning it off completely. I put them on a plate and left them on a counter to eat later.

I sat down in front of the lady. "May I record this?"

"Sure." I muttered. I watched her bring in the camera man.

"Hello and welcome to channel 67 news. I'm here with the one and only Prince Harold." The camera turned toward me, so I put on a small smile.

"Prince Harold, many people are curious about your relationship with Prince Zayn." She began. I struggled to hold back a groan. Of course she'd pick this subject out of everything.

"Are they?" I asked pretending not to have an idea.

"They are. So, what is the deal there? Are you two dating." I shook my head.

"Zayn and I are not dating." I wasn't lying. We really aren't dating.

"Then, what was the kiss for?" She asked.

"It was an accident, really. I tripped and fell onto Zayn and it happened." I said, trying to be as truthful as I can.

"Was it a date?"

"That's all I have time for. Please leave." I demanded, ignoring her question.

"Not until you answer my question." I clenched my fist. I wish I could punch her, but she's a woman. That also means I can't shove her out either.

"Leave my house."

"Was it a date? Just answer with a simple yes or no." She replied, as the camera moved toward me.

"Turn that off."

"We need an answer, Prince."

"Turn that fucking camera off and get the hell out of my house!" I yelled.

"Just answer, please." I was very close to breaking the, boys don't hit girls rule.

"No I won't answer your question. Fucking leave or I will fucking sue you." I yelled.

Royalty (narry au) (PART 2 COMING SOON)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن