Chapter sixteen.

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(Sorry if there is any mistakes)

Harry's POV

I sunk down into the chair I was sitting in at the dinner table. My mum laid out different types of food, then finished setting out the rest of the table. School sucked today. Niall and I still weren't speaking, and Louis and Liam wouldn't speak to me either.

Friday better come quickly because I want my life back. I want my friends back. I want my happy mood back. I want my royalty back. I want Niall back.

Why did I finally notice how much I needed him when I left him? Is that his life works? You have to hurt someone before you realize how much you need them..want them..?

A small chime came from my phone. I picked it up and slid my fingers across the screen, unlocking it.

Boobear: You're entering the talent show? What for?

I rolled my eyes and replied. I noticed my name for Louis in my phone. I haven't changed it.. A couple years back, I heard his mum call him that name and it just stuck.

To Boobear: Because I want to. Why do you even care? This is the first time you've talked to me in weeks.

Boobear: I was just wondering. I haven't talked to you because you're an ass, you know that?

To Boobear: I'm going to fix it, okay? Give me time.

Boobear: Whatever, Harry.

I sighed and decided to end the conversation there. Why does he care if I'm in the talent show or not? He hasn't been a good friend since he left me. And I haven't either since I was the cause.

"Harry, mum says to go ahead and it without her. She's waiting on dad." My sister Gemma told me as she took a seat beside me. Gemma had just returned from her university. She's on break.

"I'm not hungry." I mumbled, sinking farther into my seat.

"I'll make you eat. And sit up! Princes don't..slouch." She feels like a second mum.

"No. I'm not eating and I'm not sitting up. Right now, I don't even want to be a prince. No one treats me like one, anymore. Everyone at school treats me like shit." Gemma began filling my plate with all the sides my mum had laid out.

"Gem.." I raised an eyebrow and shook my head. She ignored me and continued, then laying the plate in front of me.

"Eat up!" She grinned. I crossed my arms and pouted.


"Harry, come on." She begged. I shook my head. "Fine, I guess I'll have to treat you like a little kid and feed you." I gave her a confused look.

"Here comes the train! Choo-Choo!" She swirled the fork around my mouth, then stuffing it inside. I coughed and somehow manager to swallow the massive bite of macaroni she stuffed into my mouth.

"Alright, alright! I'll eat. It's better than you feeding me." I took my fork from her hand and started feeding myself.

Gemma smirked and ruffled my hair. "Good to be back, little brother."

"Not for me." I joked.

"How dare you!"

"What can I say?" I shrugged.

"Rude." Gemma nudged my arm and continued eating.

"Your father called. They're making him work night shift." My mum came in the room and say in front of us, sighing. "Guess I should go ahead and eat then."

"Night shift? But he just worked a day shift! This will make a full day!" Gemma yelled, taking a sip of her tea.

"I know, Gemma. I'm not too happy about it either." My mum fixed her plate of food and began eating. "He also said it's because a lady sued the company for writing a bad review of ear resturant." My dad is a writer. He writes reviews and all that. Yes, he's the current king, but he had nothing better to do and wanted to reel in more money.

Gemma slammed her cup down, splashing tea everywhere, including on me. "What? This is because of some shabby old lady?" She asked.

"Gemma! Look at what you did! Tea on my new carpet, and Harry.. But yes, it is. Speaking of Harry, why are you so quiet dear. Is it because of Ni-"

"Mum!" I whisper-yelled. Gemma doesn't know about Niall and I don't won't her to.

"Was she going to say Niall?" Gemma asked.

"Niall! How do you know about Niall?" I said loudly.

"I met him at the park and he told me things. Oh shit! I wasn't suppose to tell you that.." Gemma covered her mouth with her hand.

"You saw Niall and he told you everything?!" Gemma bit her lip and nodded. "Oh my god." I banged my head on the table.

"Harry, it wasn't anything bad. He still thinks about you, you know? When I saw him, his face lit up when I mentioned you and his eyes were red..seems as if he had been crying."

I lifted my head off the table. "What?" Gemma nodded and gave me a small smile.

"You still have a chance.."

"I hope. I'm going to song him a song I wrote at the talent show. Wanna hear it?"

"Aww. Of course, Harry."


I sang her my song, also playing along with the piano. Tears feel from her eyes.

"That was beautiful.." She hugged me and grinned happily. "He's going to love it. If he doesn't want to date you then, I've lost all hope in life." I rolled my eyes.

"I hope he will, Gem.."

"He will."

"How do you know?"

"I just do. Trust me, Harry."


A/N: Not as long, but I wanted to update! The talent show chapter will be the best..I'm certain.

I can't wait.

It's coming soon!!!

Updating Our Baby soon, as well.

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