Chapter eight.

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A/N: I just wanted to make a note that Narry will eventually come as a couple, I just don't want to rush the story. I have more stuff that's going to happen. Is it weird that I already have this whole story planned out? Lol. And I also have the sequel planned out. (Yes, there will be one)

Harry's POV

"Fuck." I cursed as I quickly flipped the channel.

"What was that?" Niall asked.

"Um..I kind of got smart with the channel 67 news lady." I said. Sure, I did more than that, but it's such a long story, and I don't feel like telling it twice. My mum will most likely ask a ton of questions about it when she gets home.

"Turn it over."

"What? No!" I protested. Before I could do anything, Niall grabbed the remote, turned it over, and eyed the TV.

"Yes that's right. Prince Harold got smart with channel 67 news," I rolled my eyes and turned away from the TV. "He was asked a couple questions at his flat when he did the unexpected. The questions must have got too personal, so he slammed the news camera down, breaking it, and told the news to leave. When they refused, he started yelling and swearing to them. Eventually, the news were afraid so they left crying. Here we have channel 67 with us today to speak out on the subject. Tomorrow, we will have Prince Harold."

"Harry!!" Niall yelled.


"Why did you do that?"

"I got tired of her, so I did what I had to do. You would have if you were me."

"You didn't have to do that." He argued.

"Yes I did." I nodded and Niall shook his head.

"Whatever Styles. It's almost time for my mum to get home, so I should probably go." Niall rose from the couch and stretched.

"No Ni, don't gooooo. I'll be lonely." I grabbed his hand. Niall gave me a strange look.

"Go call Zayn and schedule some sex." He joked.

"Niall!! Zayn isn't even my boyfriend yet." He chuckled and grabbed his car keys from my table.

"Can I go with you?" I asked. Something was pulling me towards Niall, and I don't know why. Eh, he's my best friend. Best friend's do stuff with each other.

"You can't."

"Why not?" I asked disappointed.

"If my mum is already home, she'll see you and think that we planned this, and secretly did drugs on the street or something. If she just sees me, I'll tell her that I went out for a ride to get fresh air."

"I can hide in the back."

"Bye Harry!" He left my house and I sighed. He probably sees me as a weirdo now.

Why was I being pulled to Niall so much?

I shook away my thoughts and went up to my room.

Zayn's POV

Today, I was a total lovestruck guy. My mind kept drifting back to Harry. Perhaps because he's all over the TV, since he was smart with channel 67.

I even got close to thinking about asking him to be my boyfriend. We've only been on one date, and I doubt he likes me as much as I like him.

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