Chapter fourteen.

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A/N: Sorry it took so long! This is just a really short filler!

Harry's POV

It's been two weeks since the whole me and Niall thing. I haven't spoken to him once and I feel like shit. Niall feels like shit. His mum feels like shit. My mum feels like shit. Everyone feels like shit.

I'm so stupid. I ran away from Niall when he needed me the most, and I don't even have the guts to talk to him at all. I'm the weak one. Liam and Louis have left me accusing me of being an ass and a horrible person. I know it's true.

I should talk to Niall, but I really don't want to go to his house knowing his mum could possibly kill me. She's left me alone for a while and I don't want to become her target again.

I wonder what Niall is doing right now. I wonder if he's having fun with my old friends. I wonder if he ever thinks about me. All of this feels like a break up, but it's not.

I've only got Zayn. He's the only person still talking to me besides my mum. Apparently, someone overhead Niall and Liam talking about this situation and spread it around the school. I went from the Prince who was treated with Royalty to Harry. The guy that no one gives a fuck about.

"Harry sweetie, I just got an email from your school." My mum walked into my room. "The talent show is next Friday. I think you should join it. You've got a beautiful voice." She gave me a smile and moved to sit next to me.

"Mum, I can't. I don't want to waste my time. Besides, everyone would probably boo when they saw me anyway." I sighed and dropped my head.

"Think about it, okay? You're voice is too amazing to waste a boo on." She told me and patted my knee. I shrugged and watched her leave the room.

My eyes glanced at an old piano in my room. A thick layer of dust now covers it. I remember the first day I got it. My 13th birthday. I haven't played it for at least 6 years.

Curiosity took over me as I walked to the piano, wiping off the dust and placing my fingers on the keys. I winced figuring out the piano was terribly out of tune.

It took about 10 minutes, but I eventually got it sounding the way I wanted it to. Smiling, I started playing an old tune I learned a while back. Somewhere along the line, I messed up creating a new sound that I found pleasing to the ear.

My fingers moved smoothly over the keys adding onto my new song. All I need now is lyrics.

If my song is good enough, maybe I'll give the talent show another thought.

But what should it be about?

Only one thing popped into my mind. Niall James Horan.

My mind flashed back to his beautiful blue eyes, his bleach blonde hair with brown at the roots, his bright whiteteeth, his dainty arms, the wrinkles by his eyes when he smiles. He's so beautiful.

Hang on. Did I really just think all that? I should be ashamed. I have a boyfriend..but for some reason I just can't get Niall out of my mind.

Maybe I do what him. Maybe Niall is who I wanted in the first place. Maybe..

I played my new tune one more time before thinking of lyrics that would fit perfectly with it.

"Say something I'm giving up on you.."

Niall's POV

Tears flowed from my eyes as I laid on my couch, my mum patting my back.

"Niall baby, it's okay." She assured me.

"No it's not! It's been two weeks. Two fucking weeks! We haven't said anything to each other and it's just because of me telling him my feelings." I cried into the cushion. I shouldn't let him do this to me because he doesn't even care.

"Niall, langua-I mean, if you really want to talk to him, call him honey. Don't waste those tears on him."

"You don't understand. I can't call him! It-It doesn't work that way. I'm beginning to give up on him!" I sniffled.

"You'll never know how he's feeling until you be a man and go see him, Niall." She said.

I leaned up from the couch. "Who's side are you on?!"

"Not Harry's. That's for damn sure." She muttered.


"I'm not taking sides.! I'm just trying to encourage you to talk to him.." She said. I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever." I crawled up the stairs to my room and looked in the mirror. I look horrible. My eyes are red and my cheeks are stained with dry tears. This is all because of one stupid guy that I let mess with my heart.

How stupid am I?

I decided I needed a shower, so I hopped in and let the warm water relax my muscles. I blissfully sighed.

Harry Styles, you ruined my life.


A/N: I finally found some inspiration.!

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