Chapter Thirteen.

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A/N: My song of the day is Tennis Court by Lorde. I just really like it! I'm not a fan of her personality since she called One Direction ugly, but I love this song.

Idk if you guys read these, but I mainly put them to interact with you guys..

Comment your honest opinion about this story. It inspires me and boosts my mind a bit!

Some confusion is still going around! This is Zarry/Narry story. Meaning: It starts as Zarry then, turns to narry!

Niall's POV

"I-I'm home mum." I sniffled. Here I am, wasting all my tears on Harry when he doesn't even give a damn about me. He didn't show up to science, so I guess he ditched.

"Niall? Are you okay?" She asked, stepping into my room. Instantly, I was reminded of this morning and all that had happened.

"I'm fine." I replied to her question. I'm really not though. You see, I just got my heartbroken. Even if Harry was single, it still wouldn't work out. I'm not a prince. Apparently, princes only date princes.

"Fine? You look like you lost your best friend," Maybe because I did. "Care to explain?"

I shook my head. "I'm going up to my room," When my mum was clear from my sight, I went up to my room muttering a couple of extra words. "To fucking die." I was really surprised with Harry's reply. It just doesn't sound like him at all! He's always nice, caring, sweet. Not mean, a bastard, and an asshole.

Something tells me Zayn is changing him. Maybe not. But it sure as hell seems that way. In case you're wondering, I swear a lot when I'm angry. Got a fucking problem? Shut the hell up. Damn.

Sorry. Told you.

"Niall James! You have company!" My mum yelled. My hear skipped a beat, hoping it would be Harry. I sprinted downstairs faster than normal.

"Who is-Louis? Whatcha doing here?" I asked. From the corner of my eye, I saw my mum leave the room and walk up to her bedroom.

"You don't look so happy to see me." He noted. I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah..well, I was kind of hoping it would be Harry."

"About that..I was shocked by his actions," You and me both, Lou. "It's not like him. He needs to get his sorry ass over here!" Louis said.

"It doesn't seem likely, man. He probably doesn't even care." I sighed and ran a couple fingers through my styled hair.

"I will definitely kill him next time I see him. Anyways, Niall! Would you like to grab some lunch with me? Hit some stores?" He questioned.

"Sure. Sounds great, Lou. I need to do something besides mope around all day." I smiled and skipped on a jumper. "Mum! I'm going out with Louis for a bit." Yelling up the stairs isn't needed, but it's fun so fuck it.

"Niall! You could at least lower your voice, I'm not that far away!" She chuckled. "Have fun, sweetie. Nice to meet you as well, Louis."

"You too Ms. Horan!"

"Please, call me Maura."

Maura's POV (very few will she have one)

I over heard Niall and Louis talking about Harry. From my view, it seemed as if Harry hurt my Niall. I thought I told that kid to stay away from him! Does he need another visit from Mama Horan?

"God damn idiot, you are Harry." I whispered to my self, staring out the window. Harry's house is only a couple minutes from here. Round two, perhaps? Nah. He'll expect it. I'll come when he won't expect it.

Harry and Niall should have been together in the beginning, then none of this would have happened to my baby. Maybe I should give Zayn a visit, as well. He's the obstacle.

The phone began ringing. I picked it up and placed it to my ear. "Hello?"

"Is Niall home?" A rather deep voice asked from the other line.

"No. Who is this?"

"Harry. Who is this?" He mimicked.

"Niall's mum. Why are you looking for my son?" I questioned with fierce. He could want to hurt him again, and I can't let that happen.

"I wanted to apologize." Harry answered quietly. His voice was almost a little shaky. Is he scared of me? Good.

"Niall doesn't want an apology. He loves you and you blew him off. Niall wants you to leave him alone. He's done. Don't come near my son or I will come back for you. Understand Mr. Styles?" I partly lied.

"I do."

"You should go, Harry."

"Right! Bye." He hung up and I removed the device from my ear. Just hearing his voice makes me cringe. How does he have the guts to even try to apologize after what he has done!

I really don't like that boy.

Niall's POV

"What can I get you two boys?" The waitress asked us.

"I'll have a tea." I told her.

"Tea for me as well." Louis added.

"Sure! I'll be back with your teas shortly." The woman walked away, leaving only Louis and I.

"What are you thinking about, Niall?" Louis asked me. I'm thinking about a lot of things, but they all pretty much lead up to one thing.

"Harry." Louis shook his head in disappointment.

"Why are you wasting your thoughts on him?" He asked. I shrugged. "Wanna know something?"


"Harry has changed ever since you came along. Ever since he started dating Zayn."

"How?" I questioned.

"He's acting different. He always zones out. He isn't as calm and relaxed. I don't know, mate. Harry isn't the same, anymore." Louis sighed. "And his pants."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "His what?"

"His pants. I swear they've gotten tighter." Louis repeated.

I chuckled. "They are tight. Where the hell does his dick go?"

"It either goes to the left, to the right, or up his ass." This time, I burst out in laughter. First time I've done that today I believe. Or at least since I told Harry about my feelings.

Speaking of Harry, I hate him so much. Still.

"What are you picturing in that dirty little mind of yours?" Louis smirked.

"Stuff," I winked. "And things."

A/N: Sorry it's short! Don't forget to comment your opinion on this story! Just wanna make sure I'm pleasing you all.

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