Chapter fifteen.

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Harry's POV

My whole song was finished. I have to stay, I'm somewhat proud of it. Niall was my absolute inspiration for it all.

"Harry, that was amazing. Did you write this?" My mum came bursting through my room door, scaring me and making my heart race.

"Uh, yeah." I said with a smile.

"You haven't used that piano is so long, dear. You have to preform that in the talent show."

"I think I will, and I have a plan.." I trailed off.

"A plan? What kind?" She questioned.

"Niall will be in the audience, right? Well, I'm going to indirectly preform it to him." I inform my mum with a cheeky grin.

"Charming, Harry. I wish the best for you.. But dear, you are still in an relationship with Zayn. You can't play with two boys hearts."

"I know what I need to do. I'm going to break up with Zayn, mum. I know who I love. I know who I want to be with. It's Niall." I confessed. My head tilted up to look at her. She was beaming.

"Harry, I'm proud of you."


"I knew you liked Niall. It was obvious. You were just blinded by Zayn." She spit out. My eyes popped open.

"Seriously? Mum! Why didn't you ask about it?"

"I was waiting until you figured out who you really wanted. And Harry, I think you did. I'd go see Zayn and end it with him in person." She replied. I nodded.

"Okay, I'm going. Make sure dad doesn't lock the door like he does every time he comes home from work." I pulled on my jumper and got into my car.

I don't have much gas in it since I've been drying a lot lately. I made my way to Zayn's house with a nervous stomach. It feels wrong, but I know it's right.

My hands were shaking as I walked up to the door, knocking, then patiently waiting.

"Harry! Hello. Haven't seen you in a while." His mum opened the door like usual. I gave her a smile.

"Is Zayn in his room?"

"Yes! Go on up." I nodded and went to his room. Zayn was listening to music when I walked in.

"Hey Harry. Surprise visit?" He chuckled and took his headphones off.

"You could say that. I actually need to talk to you, okay?" I bit my lip and felt my stomach tie up in a knot.

"Yeah, sure." He gave all his attention to me, adding onto the nerves.

"I like you Zayn. I like you a lot, but I realized I don't exactly want to date you anymore. I want to stay friends, okay? But..something happened today and I don't want to hurt you or play with your heart. I love you..and I meant it when I said it..I just.. Oh, this is so hard for me I-"

"Harry, relax. You want to break up? Okay. It's okay. I understand. Course we can be friends. I kind of felt pressured into this relationship anyway. I wish you luck, man." He smiled and pulled me into a tight hug.

"Thank you, Zayn. Thank you so much." I kissed his cheek and we said our goodbyes. That was surprisingly easy. I just pray Niall hasn't moved on yet.

When I got home, my father left the door unlocked and for that I am thankful.

"How'd it go?" My mum, who was sitting with my dad, asked as I walked into the room.

Royalty (narry au) (PART 2 COMING SOON)Where stories live. Discover now