Chapter Twenty

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"Seriously?" Liam questions from the doorway, his arms crossed over his toned chest causing his muscles to bulge as he stares at the scene in front of him; Niall pinned to the bed, Zayn kneeling between his thighs. "You were literally just screaming at him not even 10 minutes ago."

"Angry sex, duh." Niall pants out, his hands scrambling for purchase on the raven haired boy's back, his own back arching obscenely. 

Liam shakes his head at the pair, but he's unable to make himself walk away.

"You can come join, Li." Zayn says, looking up towards the vampire without ceasing his movements, the blond beneath him letting out a string of moans.

Liam hums, but makes no movement forward. Well, not until Niall grunts out, "C'mon, daddy." Then Liam can't control himself anymore, and he's laying down next to Niall in a split second, his teeth sinking into the side of his neck.


As Harry exits the bathroom the next morning, dressed in fresh clothes after his shower, he's met with the sight of Louis draining the blood in the mug, a trickle running down his chin.

"You could just drink from me, Lou, really." Harry tells, plopping down on his stomach next to the Prince.

Louis visibly stiffens at the offer, quick to shake his head.

Harry frowns, scooting closer until he can rest his head on Louis' thigh, peering up at the vampire who looks back down at him. "It's no big deal, babe." Harry says. "Niall says Liam drinks from him all the time now. He says it doesn't even hurt, that it actually feels good."

"I'm not drinking from you, H. Give it up already." Louis teases, though the smile he forces on his face doesn't quite meet his eyes as he sets the presumably empty mug on the bedside table, wiping his chin with the back of his hand. Which of course only serves to smear the blood into his skin.

Then Louis leans down for a kiss.

Harry's quick to place his head over Louis' mouth, shaking his head. Louis frowns beneath Harry's palm. "Is this because I won't bite you?" He asks, his voice muffled. His blue eyes stare warily at Harry, watching his every move.

"No, it's because you're covered in blood. Go wash your face and brush your teeth. Like ten times. Please." Harry ends his request with a sweet smile, watching as the tension leaves Louis' body and a smile grows on his face, followed by a fond eye roll.

"Fine, but if I'm going through all this trouble, I'm going to need more than one kiss. Maybe like a thousand or so will do." Louis jokes, carefully lifting Harry's head from his lap so that he can stand, then gently laying it on the bed. "I'll be right back, darling."

He walks into the bathroom, only to walk right back out. "On second thought maybe you should come with me." Louis says, pulling a loud laugh from Harry that has the curly haired boy slapping a hand over his own mouth to quiet the noise. Louis grins triumphantly, lifting his boy into the air. "I told you to stop being embarrassed about your laugh," Louis scolds lightly as he reenters the bathroom, this time with his boy in his arms. "I love your laugh, it's adorable."

"It's loud," Harry argues, shivering when he's set on the counter, the cold seeping through his clothes.

"It's adorably loud." Louis compromises, his eyes crinkling in the way that Harry oh-so-loves to see. Louis keeps one hand on Harry's thigh as he brushes his teeth, and then brushes them again when Harry insists.

After the third time, he turns to Harry with a sigh, toothpasting covering his mouth, sliding down his chin. "My mouth tastes so minty I could throw up. Please tell me three times is good enough."

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