Side story : A first mission (Special Valentine's Day)

Start from the beginning

-You were almost late for your first day, Hurricane, he commented.

-But I'm not, I replied with the same tone.

-I appreciate your personality. I bet a lot on you, so don't disappoint me.

-Of course, I won't, I promised.

-Not to mention being the Flame alchemist's sister doesn't help, he sighed.

-I'm aware of that, I answered.

The General smiled slightly at me and handed me a sheet of paper. What was it...? I grabbed it and gave a quick glance. Oh, it seemed to be a letter, sorta...

-Your first mission, he declared, you'll have to keep an eye on a prom, it's not too complicated right?

-True enough, but why doesn't this noble call the militaries.

-He did. But he wanted a state alchemist as well.

The General Hakurou looked around and leaned closer to me, whispering, a hand next to his mouth to hide his lips.

-He's strange man, he always thinks someone wants to kill him.

I nodded, a smile tugging at my lips. Strange, indeed! However, it was my first mission, my first step among the militaries! I couldn't afford to fail!

-I'll do it, sir, I said.


I first thought I would only have to go and watch, however, the letter stated I had to melt into the crowd. There was even an invitation with the letter so I could enter easily! I wouldn't dare admitting it, but I was actually very excited! That would also be my first prom after all! I smiled slightly, entering in my teacher's huge dressing after my shower, a towel wrapped around myself. It would be hard to look at every dress, but if I only picked the light green ones, that should be okay. After about ten minutes searching, I finally found one. It ended at my ankles, letting the high heels be seen, and it was small sleeves that only hid my scars without hiding the automails. I didn't think a dress with long sleeve would be okay for this kind of prom anyway. Once I was changed, I brushed my hair, deciding to braid it loosely behind my back, and put on a very light make up. I sighed, grabbing my invitation, and came out.

-Be careful. Will you be able to fight in this outfit? my teacher asked me.

-Of course, I can. Don't worry for me! I smiled.

She sighed, crossing her arms.

-And please, behave!

I laughed hard, holding my belly.

-Sure, sure! I said waving at her, bye!

I headed toward the noble's mansion. It wouldn't be bigger than my teacher's, I was sure!
A butler was waiting for the guests in front of the main door. Many nobles were invited, many cars were parked not far. I tried to see if something seemed suspicious, but currently, everything seemed normal, to me at least... My invitation was a bit special because I had to write my name on it, myself. All of that because he didn't know which state alchemist would be here for him! I handed it to the man, who read it, interested. He gave me a big smile behind his glasses, handing me back the paper.

-Mrs Karen Mustang, Hurricane alchemist! he announced as I crossed the door.

People turned themselves toward me to see what the new state alchemist looked like. The new of my recent nomination was already in the Central times anyway! Many of them whispered, they surely weren't expecting a girl this year; I was the first one in all the state alchemists' history!
Suddenly, I felt someone behind me. It was quite an oppressive presence. I didn't dare turning around, my breath got faster... It was like a monster was right behind me, ready to kill me, and I was so powerless... A predator and its prey... Finally, I turned around, slowly, my limbs shaking slightly and my eyes lightly widened. A hand was put on my shoulder.

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