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"Okay, I'm ready, guys." Jack says as he walks out into the living room. Mark thumbs-up him. Tyler and Ethan prepare themselves for the video.

Jack notices Tyler whispering in Ethan's ear, and him chuckling at what Tyler said. They are absolutely adorable together. Just the sight of them snuggling together kills Jack. He watches them love on each other until Ethan notices.

"Oh...Uh." Ethan tries to start off, but Jack starts off. "Hey, it's okay. You guys are adorable together." Jack says to them, and they both blush. "Thanks, Jack. It means a lot." Tyler says to me. "Hey, no problem. I have no problems with two guys dating. Some people do, though, like some of Mark's fans, so it's better if we keep this between us only." Jack says to them. They nod.

Mark comes out with the equipment and sets it up. Jack gets ready for the video as Mark starts to talk.

"Oh, yeah, just so you know, Ethan and Tyler, I know you two are dating. I kind of overhead the conversation." Mark says shyly. "It's okay." Ethan starts off. "Just don't tell any of your fans about it, okay?" Ethan finishes. Mark agrees. He walks over to the camera and starts the video. He walks back over to the room. "Don't worry, I edit this out." He says, warning everyone to say hi.

"Hello, everybody, My name is Markiplier and welcome back, and I say back, to Whose Line. We have strips of paper in our pockets, obviously. You know how this works. Anyway, we have Ethan and Tyler," Mark says as he looks at them. They wave. "and we have, all the way from Ireland, Jack." Jack waves to the camera. "How's it going, guys?" Jack says to the camera." "Alright, who goes first, then?" Tyler asks, wanting to go first. Mark grins. "Since you asked, you and Ethan can go first." Mark knows what's up.

Tyler grins as they walk into the middle of the room. Ethan blushes a teensy bit, but not much. Ethan wants this to happen to him, too.

"So, you're in a carnival with nobody in there but the workers that work there." Mark starts off, sitting on his couch.

Tyler pretends like he's cleaning something up, as Ethan walks over to him. "Joey, we can't do this anymore." Ethan says to Tyler, winking to him. Tyler groans in agreement. "You're right, Gary. What are we going to do?" Tyler asks Ethan through the act. Tyler shrugs. "How should I know? We're not even getting paid right." Tyler says through the act.

Jack smiles at Ethan and Tyler pretending to talk. He just wants them to do their thing. Just fuck already, to be honest. They should just get out of here and they should do their thing.

Ethan sighs heavily. "This is bullshit." He says. "Let's just get out of here." Tyler says, pretending to walk away from the place. Ethan gets behind him and pretends to follow. Tyler and Ethan run in place. Tyler pretends to pant. "Hey...Huff...I know where to go!..Huff." Tyler says. "Where?" Ethan asks. "Well...My grandma always told me that I should follow her instincts," Tyler says, going into his pocket to get a slip of paper. "and I think today, I am going to. You know what she's always said to me, Gary?" Tyler says, talking to Ethan. Tyler looks at his little slip and chuckles. "She said to me, 'Always greet your dead friends at the graveyard'" Tyler says, laughing a little bit, as is Ethan. "Okay?" Mark says, chuckling. "So that's where we're  gonna go, Gary. The fucking graveyard." Tyler says to Ethan.

"Why the graveyard?" Ethan says, taking out a slip from his pocket. "We should follow my aunt's instincts, which is, 'My father always loved the beach. Until my father got buried in the sand and his family never came back to him.'" Ethan says. "The beach is much nicer, and we should go there." Ethan says, disappointed that the paper wasn't funny. Mark looks a little bored, so Tyler pipes it up.

"Well, whenever I go to the beach, I always uh...Get a little...Kinky." Tyler says, blushing. Ethan inhales, blushing. "Oh, really? Like what?" He says, blushing harder, then stops, remembering that they're still recording. Tyler laughs.

"This." Tyler says, as he humps the air around Ethan. Tyler and Ethan both laugh, blushing their hearts away. Then Tyler does the unimaginable. He gets behind Ethan and starts humping him. "This." Tyler repeats again, embarrassing himself and Ethan just for Mark, who is laughing. Jack notices. "Uh..Uh scene! Scene!" Tyler and Ethan walk over to the couch, embarrassed as all hell.

"Uh...Is anyone just gonna not notice that all that Tyler just did to Ethan is going to be on video?" Jack says shyly. Tyler went a little too far, especially on video. "Uh...I don't know what I was thinking." Tyler says, trying to hide himself.

Ethan hugs him behind the camera and Tyler notices that Ethan has a boner. It's poking against Tyler. Ethan blushes a BIG blush. They forget they're even on video. No one cares anymore. They don't care if the fans make fun of Tythan. They don't care if anyone loves Tythan and so call "ship" them, they just continue on with the video.

"Alright, me and Jack will be next." Mark says, looking at Jack and blushing. Jack looks back at him, blushing.

"Alright, guys out there watching this video. This is a improv video no more!" Mark says. Jack looks at him. "What are you doing??" Jack asks Mark, confused as hell. Mark smiles at him. "Just wait. Everyone. I have a confession. I, Mark Edward Doom Fischbach, like Sean William McLoughlin." Jack widens his eyes, gasping a little bit.

"That's not all. You see these two people over here??" Mark points at Tyler and Ethan, making them blush at the words that Mark is using. "Yeah, guess what's going on with them? They're dating, too!" Tyler and Ethan blush in embarrassment. "What are you fucking doing? I thought this was-"

A kiss from Mark shut him up real quick. "Mmm..." Is all Jack would manage to say before melting into Mark's lips. They both smile as they look at the camera, which is still recording. Jack winks at it, just before Mark pulls away.

"Alright guys, that's enough." Mark says to everyone, motioning them to the middle of the room to say bye. When they do, they all look at the camera. "Bet that was a surprise, huh?" Mark starts off. "When it turns out to be a little improv video, nope, nuh-uh! It's a make-out session." Mark finishes, looking at everyone. They all blush slightly. "So uh..Yeah. Go crazy. I don't care, just no negative comments. Markiplier isn't up for that." Mark says to the camera, preferably to the people that will soon be watching this. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to discuss the next video with these guys. Or *ahem* maybe I'll get kinky if you know what I mean..." Mark says, pretending to cough. Jack blushes madly.

"But anyway, thank you guys do much for watching, and I'll see you...

... in the next video. Buh-bye!

Yay. Long chapter this time. Kinda. Over 1200 words is good enough. Anyway, keep reading if you like.

For Now, and For Forever (A Septiplier Story) (A Kik Story)Where stories live. Discover now