Ch. 551 - 560

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Chapter 551: The Origins of the God Burial Abyss

The Azure Yang Lord could not help but want to crack the enchantment. He felt that something in the enchantment was extremely important to him.

Besides, the existence of the enchantment was most likely connected to the entrance that linked this world to the sinkhole.

If the Azure Yang Lord wanted to return to the Yang God Empyrean Heaven, he naturally needed to figure the secret behind the sinkhole out...

The enchantment had existed for too long, and its layout largely contained the pure Yang Great Dao. Since the Azure Yang Lord cultivated pure Yang laws himself, he found the coincidence very unusual.

He drew inspiration from the Great Dao contained in the enchantment. From the eternal whirlpool, he gained insight in the laws within the enchantment. He matched it against the "Yang God Manual" he cultivated, and he slowly understood several key points.

As such, he stayed in the God Burial Abyss' eternal whirlpool, and in a blink of an eye, seven years had passed.

During those seven years, the ancient Great Empress accompanied the Azure Yang Lord as she helped him expound on the laws.

She cultivated pure Yin laws, which were the completely opposite, and as such, she gave the Azure Yang Lord a lot of inspiration.

Time passed, and after many years and many attempts by the Azure Yang Lord, he managed to crack the powerful ancient enchantment.

During this period, with his attempts at cracking the enchantment, the Azure Yang Lord's cultivation level also increased.

The hard work paid off eventually, as the Azure Yang Lord finally succeeded seven years later. By joining forces with the ancient Great Empress, he managed to crack the ancient enchantment open.

At the moment he cracked the enchantment open, the Azure Yang Lord felt a terrifying energy backlash. His body quaked as he vomited blood.

In the enchantment, he did not encounter any opportunities that he was familiar with. All he saw was the phantom image of a gigantic eye.

The eye's gaze was cold, as if it treated everything in the world with indifference.

Both the Azure Yang Lord and the ancient Great Empress were stunned. Just as they couldn't understand what was happening, a terrifying energy shot out of the gigantic eye, straight into the clouds!

The energy penetrated the Untraversable Sea, and then the Tian Yuan world, and then it broke past the Heavens!

The world's sky... began to crack and crumble!

This was what it really meant by 'heaven crumbling and earth shattering'. The Azure Yang Lord witnessed gigantic cracks appearing in the blue sky with his own eyes, then large tracts of "pieces of sky" fell!

These "pieces of sky" fell onto the land, smashing mountains and truncating rivers. It destroyed several ancient martial inheritances!

Be it mortals or warriors, in front of this apocalyptic energy, they appeared minute. Their lives were like tiny water drops in a turbulent storm. They were all destroyed!

Instantly, the entire Tian Yuan world was filled with large amounts of death and injury!

The Azure Yang Lord was startled!

He knew that the "pieces of sky" that fell from the sky was not the "sky". The sky was endless without a boundary after all. It was not like a ball that surrounded the Tian Yuan world.

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