Ch. 321 - 330

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Chapter 321: Fighting Jun Yue

Jun Yue stood on the stage where his entire body felt like a sword. He looked at Yi Yun and smiled, "I've been paying close attention to you for a long while."

Yi Yun looked at Jun Yue as his heart jumped.

"Amongst all the Tai Ah Divine City cultivators, you are the one I want to fight the most! Now, without anyone interfering with our battle, you will be able to fight in your best condition, so this battle is how I like it. I have been looking forward to this battle with you!"

Jun Yue said as he took a weapon out from his interspatial ring. It was a sword.

The sword was extremely long. It was even longer than the Thousand Army Saber. The sword's blade was broad, its width was about a foot long. The blade's central ridge was about an inch thick.

It was an extremely heavy sword.

The audience gasped when they saw the sword. Not many of them had seen a sword with such an exaggerated size like that before. Even if they did, it was usually an ornamental sword. They had never seen one being used to kill enemies.

This sword looked like it was like a door that was split in the middle, with the two halves connected together.

It did not look easy for a person to hold such a sword.

"How do you brandish such a heavy sword? It cannot be used agilely." A Tai Ah Divine City warrior said. Although there was a saying that the longer a weapon was, the stronger it was, it did not really mean that it was that much better the longer it became.

A sword that exceeded one's height by more than 100% would be severely constricted them when it was brandished.

But just as the Tai Ah Divine City warrior was midway through his words, he shut himself up.

This was because he was shocked at what he saw. Jun Yue had casually released his hand and the sword began floating in midair. Following that, Jun Yue landed on the sword's blade with a gentle leap.


Many of the audience were dumbfounded. You could do that?

Wasn't this flying on a sword?

Yuan foundation realm warriors could not really fly, but by standing on the large sword, Jun Yue was able to fly in any direction. This was no doubt the advantage of having a large sword.

When one's insight into the laws reaches a certain realm, they are able to use all sort of bizarre combat techniques. This was the power of the laws.

"I'm going to attack."

Before Jun Yue attacked, he warned Yi Yun, showing his great confidence!


A sword beam flashed as Jun Yue flew towards Yi Yun while standing on the large sword!

This sword's speed was extremely fast. It was very difficult to tell its trajectory!

Just as the sword was about 30 feet away from Yi Yun, a "Ka" sound rang, and the sword's body split!


Yi Yun constricted his pupils. He saw that the large sword had split into 24 flying swords.

The huge sword was not one sword, but it was made up of 24 swords. No wonder it was that big!

In this split second, Yi Yun did not have time to think carefully. The 24 flying swords had surrounded him!

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