Ch. 251 - 260

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Chapter 251: Heaven Opening Mountain

On the stage, Li Hong held his long staff and began approaching Yi Yun. As he approached, his aura grew stronger.

"What's wrong? Isn't your saber very fast? Use any of the hidden saber moves you have. When I've blocked all of your saber moves, then it will be the end!"

Li Hong was extremely confident in his defense capabilities.

Yi Yun eyes flashed with a cold beam.

He slowly rotated his blade. What Li Hong had said was in fact correct. What Yi Yun was lacking the most in his martial arts was combat experience!

Li Hong had slaughtered numerous desolate beasts in the Divine wilderness. This benefited both his staff techniques and combat experience greatly.

Although other weaker children of family clans might not kill desolate beasts as rookies, they would still often spar with their peers while growing up.

Actual combat was the best way to hone one's fighting techniques.

But for Yi Yun, the number of big battles he had experienced could be counted with his fingers. Besides the sparring with Lin Xintong and the slaughtering of fierce beasts in the Desolate Human Valley, there was only the Jin Long Wei selection and the current rookie ranking competition.

Yi Yun was very serious in every battle, especially in battles with people of similar strength as himself. This was a test he had to undergo, and also the best way for him to hone his saber techniques.

"Since you want to see my saber moves, I'll grant you your wish!"

Yi Yun took a few steps forward and the Yuan Qi in his body started surging. His energy followed the Saber Truth's 32 Words' flows and circulated within his meridians.

Reigning Supreme!

With the Thousand Army Saber in hand, Yi Yun slashed downwards. A green flash gushed out like a bright crescent light, and gushed towards Li Hong with domineering momentum!

Li Hong roared and his earth-yellow Qi surged, making the scales on his body expand.

Yi Yun's saber slashed heavily onto Li Hong's body.


With a violent explosion, Li Hong's scales ruptured. Due to the intense blade beam, Li Hong was sent flying!

Li Hong's body slammed heavily into the Divine Wilderness Stage's wall. The intense vibrations caused the weapons hanging on the walls to drop to the floor!

Seeing this scene, people unconsciously swallowed a mouthful of saliva. Yi Yun's saber was extremely powerful!

"Hehe... Good move!"

Li Hong was half-sitting by the corner of the wall. The scale armor on his body now had a two-foot long gash, going from his chest all the way to the waist. The scales around the gash had been completely broken by Yi Yun's attack.

But after breaking through the scale armor, the saber move had expended most of its energy. It did not manage to break through Li Hong's protective Yuan Qi and only gave him slight injuries.

Li Hong rubbed the blood off his lips and stood up. The scale armor on his body was rapidly repairing itself with a surge of his earth-yellow Yuan Qi.

"Your saber moves are not bad, but unfortunately you do not have enough Yuan Qi. Just a little bit more and you would have been able to hurt me. I was just testing the defense of my 'Heaven Opening Technique'. That was the only chance you had of hurting me..."

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