"Lo, just go. You need to leave before I say something I regret." It's a shame that Tori can't even trust herself around people. It's like she's been trained to hurt people and she can never resist the temptation. But she's trying to be better,  Alessia is helping her be better!

"Tori, look at me." Lauren says softly.

"What?" The blonde grunts out.

"Are you okay? Like seriously alright?"

She blinks. "M' fine." She whispers. "Please just go." She knows this was a mistake. She shouldn't have ever asked Lauren to come out because it only caused her pain. She hates that she can't even be around the only other person besides Alessia that's ever cared about her because she has feelings for her. God, feelings ruin everything why can't she go back to the cold unemotional robot that she used to be? Things were so much easier then.

"Okay. Bye Tori." The black haired girl gives her a small smile before grabbing her tagging bag and getting out the car. She enters the code into the gate, which opens for her. Tori watches her walk up the driveway and into the front door before putting her car in drive and going far away from the Cabello residence.

She asks Siri to call Alessia as she pulls onto the main road.

"Dude, are you okay?" The raspy voice answers.

"I need you." The blonde confesses.

"Well duh, I'm awesome. Come over here and we'll talk okay? I don't have any classes tomorrow anyways, and I know you don't have lab until the afternoon."

"Okay. See you soon." Tori nods. Honestly, Alessia is the best.

"Hey? I love you, Vicky."

"Goddamnit Alessia what did I say about calling me that. God I really fucking hate you sometimes."

"Love you too! See you in five!" The voice on the other line sings before hanging up.

Tori shakes her head with a small smile on her face. That girl never fails to get her feeling better.

The blonde pulls up to a red light, where she waits, not so patiently for the light to turn.

"Why is this light taking so long? I'm literally the only one on this fucking road." Tori mutters to herself. Before the light is even able to turn green, the blonde feels a huge impact from the back of the car, lurching her forward. She puts her arm out in front of her to try and stop herself from flying out of her seat, but only hears a snap instead. She lets out a cry of agony before everything fades to black.

*                              *

Lauren tries to walk through the house as quietly as she can, but she's still caught regardless.


The girl's eyes go wide as she registers who called her name.

"Tay? What're you doing here?" Lauren asks.

"I slept in a guest room tonight. I wanted to get a head start on breakfast. What are you doing down here?"

"I'm stupid, and now I'm high as fuck. And I didn't even get to tag anything. And now Tori is mad at me and I didn't even do anything." The younger girl whines. She can feel her throat start to constrict and tears burn her eyes. This weed is really doing a number on her.

"Whoa, hey. It's okay. Lets get you upstairs, okay?" The blonde barely knows what's going on (she literally just woke up), but she has a feeling that the younger girl doesn't want Camila finding out about this, so she will do anything to help her out. Plus she's dealt with a high Lauren before so she knows how she is.

The Graffiti Artist (Camren/ Norminah)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें