"Not yet. I want to show you something." He said looking down on me. I gave no reply, fully aware of his hands still resting on my waist. I stood there, lost in his eyes, almost melting at the intensity of his gaze. My heart was racing a mile a minute.

He finally pulled back from our close proximity, but not before playfully tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

He motioned for me to follow and he helped me onto his horse, getting on after. We rode out of the castle walls, then through a small path, wind hitting my face as I held on tightly to the prince's warm form. I snuggled closer and closed my eyes, remaining that way till we came to a stop.

When I opened my eyes, we were at an open field, filled with radiant flowers. I gasped at the breathtaking sight.

"Woah. It's beautiful."

"I know." He said, with a carefree and relaxed expression then collapsed, falling on his back and disappearing instantly into the ground.

"Dilan!" I called out, panicking. He wasn't on the ground, and as far as I could see, he wasn't anywhere around me. I called out again, no answer.


I screamed so loud that it sent some birds flying out of the trees. The evil prince covered my mouth to stop my petrified screaming.

"For the love of.... Dilan! You almost gave me a heart attack." I told him angrily. He burst into laughter,like a mad man, the corners of his eyes crinkling, and he was burping bubbles. Yes, bubbles. It only made me angrier that he still managed to look cute while doing so. A smile crept up my face.

"You should have seen your face, princess." He said, just recovering from the fit of adorable laughter.

"Okay okay. You got me. How did you do that anyway."

"Lemme show how you." He smiled."Take a deep breath, hold it." He led me forward. "Now jump."

And just like that, I was enveloped in a blob of vibrant colours. My vision was in many shades of colours at once. Streaks of blue, pink, green and red floated through the air. I flurry of joy settled in my stomach as the colours encircled me. I giggled, bringing out purple bubbles. They popped like fireworks.

I noticed that Dilan was beside me, grinning adorably at me. He pointed upwards and I followed, kicking my legs behind me to move. We were back on the surface, panting in excitement.

"That was amazing. What is this place?" I said giggling. Bubbles escaped from my mouth and popped, making me laugh harder

"The field of bubbles." He said on the same train of laughter as I.

When I could move with laughing at the bubbles I was producing, I sat up and took in the view. The flowers were giving off bubbles that floated into the air.

I sighed and Dilan took my hand in his. We sat and stared at the bubbles. Then we both erupted in a fit of giggles, falling back onto the ground and rolling on the floor like crazy people.


I ran out of the castle, heart racing rapidly. The sky was as grey as my mood, and a cold wind blew, threatening rain. I shivered and rubbed my arms. Something didn't feel right and I didn't know what it was. I looked around me as I walked, feeling as though someone was watching, but I saw no one.

Feeling uneasy on the ground, I took to the air, and flew towards the training grounds. As the ground grew nearer, I felt uneasier. I began to land but I was yanked back roughly, before my feet touched the ground.

I was flung upwards, then I feel to the ground, wincing in pain as I landed with a thud. My wings were throbbing with pain. A pair of black boots came into view on the ground.

I looked up and saw a man, his hazel eyes holding golden flecks, 
an evil smirk planted in his firm jawline. His muscular build was evident under his jet black clothing, masculinity radiating off of him. A spark of recognition came to my mind, but it was gone as soon as it came.

I shuffled backwards, away from his menacing stare, but staring straight back, into his eyes. His smirk deepened and he edged closer to me, grinning darkly.

"Daddy's here."

Be calm children. I promise, another update will come sooner than you think. And yes, the cliffhanger was necessary.

This chapter is dedicated to Whatever1234Girl. Thank you for being there.

~Thanks for reading < 3.

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