The Biggest, Baddest Gangster in Town

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We were all silent on the way to wherever these guys were taking us. I was thinking about a lot of things, though. We needed help, and Mr. Everton would probably be the best guy to ask, but also, I wasn't so sure.

This was Cisco we were talking about. He had many powers, and I didn't know what all of them were. Even the Cisco from Earth 1 didn't know all of the powers he had, but I knew that this Cisco did.

I glanced at Caroline, who was sitting on the other side, a big, scary looking guy sitting between us. I could tell she was starting to form a plan as well, I just hoped that whatever that plan was, that it wasn't going to be melting the car to liquid.

I didn't know what they had done with Dr. Wells and Mr. Rochester, but right now, I was mostly worried about Jay, my Jay. The Jay who raised me, and taught me everything I know, my only family, the only person I loved the most.

Lee was sitting in the passenger seat, which was in front of me. He turned around with a smirk. "You know, my foot still hurts," he said quietly.

"Oh, I'm sorry," I said sarcastically. "You were only trying to kidnap me."

"I wasn't kidnapping you," he glared.

"But now you are?" I glared back.

He turned back around without answering me. I glanced at the man sitting next to me. He was smiling. I wondered why, but then I realized he probably thought it was funny, what I said to Lee. 

Lee was probably really annoying to all of these guys. He's small, younger than them, and yet, they have to listen to him all of the time, just because his dad is the boss.

Then it clicked. We could escape by using that. Turn Lee's own guys against him. I couldn't hide a smile. This might actually work.


Cisco made his way down the hall, to the lab. He was sure Lisa and Wally would have finished it by now as he strolled in, only to find the room a huge mess.

"What's going on here?" Cisco glared.

"We did everything Hunter said," Wally assured him.

"But it keeps exploding," Lisa added. "Are you sure he told you everything?"

Cisco thought for a moment, then shrugged slightly. "He could have been strong enough to fight the drugs we gave him to hold back a few things."

Cisco sighed. "We can't keep hitting these blocks in the road, we have to make that soon or I'm gonna be very angry. Amethyst is out there, in hiding, and Hunter is the only one that can find her... well, she'll find him, when the time is right."

Wally and Lisa nodded in agreement, even if they didn't actually agree.

"We'll use him as bait," Cisco smiled. "It'll be perfect. The look on her face when I kill Hunter. She'll be crushed inside, and lose control. Hunter will be her defeat."

Wally and Lisa looked at each other. They didn't remember Cisco saying anything about killing poor Hunter.

Once Cisco left them alone, Wally turned to his friend. "Lisa, I can't let this happen. He does some pretty crazy things, but murder? I can't let him do that!"

Lisa looked down, nodding slightly. "We have to do something."

"But what?" Wally wondered.

Rylie Garrick: Amethyst (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now