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So, it had been at least a week since all of that stuff on earth 1 had happened, and I've been able to keep Jay from hurting anyone else, but it was getting harder and harder to hide that my powers were gone forever.

"Don't you want to go for a run?" Jay asked me one morning.

We had gone back home, and everything was normal, except that I knew Jay was evil, and I missed my friends an awful lot.

I shook my head gloomily. "I don't feel like it today."

"But you haven't gone for a run in over a week," Jay told me, sitting down next to me on the living room couch. "I'm starting to worry about you."

I scoffed before looking him in the eyes. "You're acting like everything is normal and good, when it really isn't. You're Zoom, Jay. The very moment I figured that out, I knew nothing would be the same ever again... at least between us."

I sighed and looked away before continuing, "I still love you, but its getting harder every day knowing how many people you've hurt or killed, how many other families you've destroyed. And you just had to go and take someone else's speed just to be the fastest man alive."

He didn't answer, which wasn't like him. He usually always had something to say, but when I looked at him, I saw a look in his eyes that almost made me cry. I had never see him look so hurt and have so much regret and sadness before in my life. I almost felt bad for telling him how I felt about all of this.

Right at that moment, I realized that he actually wanted to change. Even if he didn't want to do it really badly, I could tell that he was starting to rethink everything he'd planned before. I could tell that he was thinking about actually becoming good.

I suddenly thought of a question that took him by surprise, and since the portals were closed, there was nothing he could do to my friends.

"Is there anyway to get my speed back if I've lost it?" I asked.

"What?" He asked, confused, but then I saw that he realized something. "It wasn't Barry's speed that I took... was it?"

"No," I said without hesitation. 

"Why did you do that, Rylie?" He asked, standing up from the couch. "You loved your speed. It was your life!"

"No, Jay, speed is your life," I shot back. "All I really want is my friends and you... to be... good."

"Rylie, stop saying that you want me to be good," he snapped. "I can't become good. Its too late for me. Even if I do have good in me, I don't know how to find it. There is more darkness in me than good, and you can't change that."

A great idea popped into my head, and I smiled, making him smirk at me. "Oh yes I can."

He gave me a questioning look as I stood and began pacing back and forth in front of him. "You can travel through time right?"

He nodded slightly, thinking about it for a moment before speaking. "What are you doing, Rylie? This isn't the time for one of your games."

"Oh, this isn't a game," I smiled, and stopped pacing. "This is going to fix you, Jay. Make you good again. Can you bring me with you as you travel through time?"

"Maybe, but you know that the time wraiths will come after us," he warned. "Why do you even want to travel back in time?"

I smiled again. "We're going back to when you were just little. Right before your mother died, in your old house. We're going to save her and stop your father from hurting you or her any further."

Jay glared. "No," he protested. "I'm never going back there, never! And if I saved my mother, I'd never have met you. I can't lose you, Rylie. You're the only thing I care about in this world."

I knew that he was right. If we really saved his mother,  then he'd have never met me, and my life would be completely different. But it would be worth it, to save him, and let him have a happier life. It would even mean that I would never have met my friends from the other earth, but at least they'd be safe.

"And I care about you, Jay," I told him. "I care about you enough to let that happen. I want you to be happy."

"I won't do it!" He shouted.

I smacked him across the face, surprising us both, but I continued, "Stop it, Jay! You're going to do it and like it!"

He sat down on the couch, obviously stunned.

"I'll go get my suit on," I said. "And you do the same."

He just nodded and slowly stood. I was surprised that he was obeying me, but I think smacking him showed him that I was serious, and he couldn't argue about it.

Once we were both ready, he lifted me into his arms and hesitated. 

"I know this is hard, but trust me," I said kindly, "It'll all be okay."

He didn't answer, but began to run, holding tight to me, until a portal opened, and we traveled through time.

We ended up right in his house. His father was just going to grab the gun, but stopped when I yelled, "No!"

He turned around in a fury, and was only stunned for a second at the sight of us, but he reached for his gun and was going to shoot. Jay, my Jay, not the younger one, zoomed over, whacked the gun out of his hands, and held him up against the wall by the neck.

He took his mask off, glaring. "Remind you of someone?"

His father stared into his face until his eyebrows raised, "Hunter?"

The little boy ran to his mother, terrified. She was still crying.

"Take a good look, because this will be the last time you will set eyes on your son," Jay said, almost in a whisper.

But before I could stop him, and before he could even do anything, something strange happened. Everything began to blur, and disappear right before my eyes. I rushed to the little boy, and whispered into his ear, "Remember the name Violet Barnes. She'll be waiting for you in the orphanage."

Right when I finished saying the last word, everything went completely black.

Rylie Garrick: Amethyst (Completed)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon