Central City Hospital

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"You're saying that, some how, you and Caroline's powers are drawn to each other?" Dr. Wells asked again.

"Yes, I told you twice already, I'm certain it has to do something with our powers," I argued. "With everything else happening it doesn't surprise me. What does surprise me, though, is why now and not earlier that I felt it? I met her twice before!"

Wells shrugged slightly. "Well, maybe its because she hadn't used her powers in a while and when she started the fire it brought them to the surface again?"

I nodded thoughtfully. "Yes. That makes sense. How do you always know things?"

"I don't know everything, but I can figure things out with the things I do know, or you can just say I'm clever," Wells said, then smiled.

I smiled back, but then the news came on. I hadn't noticed that his TV had even been on.

A man appeared, he wore glasses and he was dressed in a nice suit.

"Reports of hundreds of patients in the Central City hospital have spread like wild fire," he began. "Doctors say that most of the patients were healed in one night, just like Heather Allen right here."

He turned and then Heather appeared on screen. She looked perfectly healthy again, which made me really happy.

"You said that you were suddenly healed in one night, what do you think did it?" The man asked her.

"Yes, I was healed last night," Heather smiled and then got teary eyed. "I have to be honest, I don't know what happened, but whatever or whoever helped me and the others, I am so grateful for your kindness. Thank you, thank you so much! It's truly a miracle!"

The camera turned back on the man. "You've heard it from one of the healed patients. 'It's truly a miracle!'"

Wells and I looked at each other. "This is quite intriguing," he said, rubbing his chin. "Half the patients healed in one night? How is that possible? They could have been faking it. That girl, Heather, didn't look like she'd been sick at all!"

"That's because she's healed," I glared slightly. "It's not a joke, trust me. I saw Heather just yesterday, she was so sick and pale, she looked like she'd die. It really is a miracle."

"But how were they healed is the question," Wells said, then began to leave the room.

"Where are you going?" I wondered.

"I'm going to the lab, I have a few things I'd like to study," he answered, then turned to look at me long enough to say, "Take care of Hunter. He needs you right now."

I nodded and Wells was gone. I went back into the lab room where Jay... Hunter was lying down. He smiled when I came in.

"How was your talk?" He asked and I could hear some fear in his voice.

"He didn't tell me everything," I admitted. "If you don't want me to know, you don't have to tell me. I'm just worried about you, J...Hunter."

"Honestly, I don't know what it was, but there is something I'd like you to know," he said. He looked so serious that I was almost afraid to hear it. "When I was just a little boy, my dad attempted to kill my mother, but out of no where a man in a black suit and a girl in a grey one appeared. The man stopped my dad, and the girl told me something... something like... I can't remember..."

"Remember Violet Barnes, she's waiting for you in the orphanage," I suddenly nodded, but then realized my mistake.

"Yes... how'd you know that?" He asked, a little freaked out.

"Doctor Wells told me something like that," I shrugged and my face started feeling hot. I was extremely nervous.

"But anyway," he continued, ignoring my strange behavior. "After she said that, they disappeared, but years later, she reappeared, and said her name was Amethyst. I think she's an alien, Rylie. She doesn't age. She looked exactly the same as she did when she saved me and my mom."

I hadn't known that he'd even remember that, but since he'd adopted me, obviously he had. He didn't notice the astonished look on my face as he continued to speak.

"One thing that really bothers me, is that the man looks almost like I do now," he said, then looked me into my brown eyes with concern. "Those memories showed that man, and how horrible he was. Is he from the future... will I become him? Am I a monster?"

I put my hand in his. "No, no, no," I said gently. "You're not a monster and you will never become him, trust me. You're my Hunter, and that will never change."

He smiled slightly and leaned back to relax. "Well, I guess we'll be stuck here for the rest of the day. What do you think we could do to pass the time?"

"Well, actually, I had an idea for the Fischer's house," I said. "Maybe you and I could fix it up before they get out of the hospital? We can't do everything in one day, but we can do some things."

"That would be great, I'm sure they'd be very grateful for that," Jay... Hunter nodded. "We'll start first thing tomorrow."


Cisco heard a knock at his office door and made a few angry noises before speaking, "Come!"

"Sir," a young woman said, cautiously opening the door. "Did you hear about the Central City hospital?"

"Yes... what about it?" He said grumpily.

"Well, Mr. West thought it might have something to do with a Meta," she replied quietly.

"A Meta?" Cisco raised his eyebrows. "I choose which Meta's we go after. This one isn't that interesting."

"But he thinks he found out who it is, and she has more than just a healing power... fire," the woman said, and set a paper on his desk.

It was a picture of a young girl, about fourteen. She had red hair and bright green eyes. "Her name is Caroline Fischer," the woman told him. "She nearly burned her entire house down a few days ago. She's recovering in the hospital right now."

Cisco thought for a moment, then smiled. "Mrs. Lake, tell Mr. West to come into my office. I think we've got a new Meta case."

Rylie Garrick: Amethyst (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now