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Heather and I worked on that formula for what seemed like forever. And it really had been a long time. Barry had defeated the shark man, someone named Trajectory and he'd even gone back in time to find out how to get faster to stop Zoom... and we'd found out that if you mess with time, you'd be chased down by a creepy time wraith.

Yeah, long story, but after that, things changed. Cisco found out that he could reopen a portal in some sort of old children's hospital place. I almost got excited, because I'd missed Jay an awful lot, even if he was evil.

It all started again the day Heather and I finally found the right ingredient for the formula.

"YES!" Heather shouted. "I got it!"

"What?" I said, zooming over to her. "What was it?"

"All you needed was the dye and some sodium," Heather explained.

"Sodium?" I said. "That's a really strange ingredient. Why Sodium?"

"Well, I think it mostly has to do with the taste," she tried to explain. "The rest... I'm not entirely sure, but look, it looks just like you described it should look like. Its glowing, smells like sulfur and..."

"Apples?" I said, raising my eyebrows. "How... what... why apples?"

"I thought it'd help more with the taste," she shrugged. "Will it ruin anything?"

"Let's hope not, but I'm not going to try it on you first," I said. "My body is already used to it, yours isn't. I'll be able to tell if it does anything bad."

"No, what if it hurts you?"

"I'll be fine," I reassured her, grabbing the little potion we'd made together.

I was about to take a sip, but froze in the middle of putting it to my lips when Zoom came down.

Heather screamed and backed up towards the wall, but I dropped the vial, making it shatter on the floor, staining it green and leaving a little apple and sodium smell with it.

Zoom took off his mask, his eyes full of so much relief. I remembered that I had to act like I was on his side, so I ran to him, wrapping my arms around him.

I had wanted to do that anyways, but if I wasn't going to pretend to help him, it would've been a little weird to hug someone then betray them... anyway.

He held me as tight as he could without breaking my ribs. "Rylie," he said, and I could hear so much joy in his voice.

He knelt down on one knee, holding my hands and looking up into my eyes. "I thought I'd never see you again."

I swore that I saw a few tears start to come to his eyes, but then he remembered that Heather was in the room.

He zoomed over to her, holding her by the neck against the wall. "NO!" I screamed. "Please don't! She wasn't the one that did this to me!"

He glanced back at me before letting go of her, making her fall to the floor.

"She helped me," I told him. "Please, don't hurt her."

He looked down at Heather, his eyes turning black and when he spoke, he sounded like a monster, "Rylie is the only reason I will spare your life."

All of the sudden, Zoom and I were back upstairs. He held my arm tightly.

"Rylie!" Cisco shouted.

I shook my head, giving him a look that said, "It'll be okay."

Cisco nodded understandingly.

"You thought you could keep her from me?" He said in his monstrous voice. His mask was back on, which made it extra scary. "Fools."

I saw that Barry's adoptive dad, Joe West, was here with Iris and Wally, his children. I knew that something bad would happen.

Suddenly Zoom had Wally caught in his other hand. "If you don't give me your speed, Wally won't be the only one you'll lose."

"No!" Iris and Joe yelled, but Jay, Wally and I were gone before they could do anything more.

I found myself in some sort of old, very rusty cave looking place. Wally was in a prison cell thing, and there was another person in a glass prison, but he had a helmet thing covering his entire face. He tapped on the glass, but I didn't understand.

Jay looked at me for reassurance.

"Jay, I love you, but why are you doing this?" I asked. "Wally has nothing to do with any of this. You want to get faster... take my speed."

"No, I'd never do that to you," he shook his head, then glared slightly. "You care for those people?"

That was it, I blew it, and so I just nodded. "Look, even if they did take me, they took good care of me. They're my friends, Jay. I don't want them to get hurt and I don't want you to get hurt. If you could just let me help yo-"

"No!" He shouted, making me fall to the ground with surprise.

He put a hand to his face. "I'm going to get Barry's speed if it's the last thing I do, and I can't let you stop me. Not this time."

"Jay, please," I begged. "If you love me, don't go through with this. Take my speed, please. I don't even want it. All I want is for my friends to be safe and for you to become... good."

He looked at me. "Good? I was never good. Anything good about me was taken along with my mother!"

"But I've seen it in you," I argued. "You love me don't you? You stopped from hurting Heather because I asked you to. Doesn't that show some good in you?"

He looked away, pain on his face. "No, stop. I'm going to take Barry's speed, and destroy the rest of these other planets, then we can live normal lives together."

I stood up, glaring. "Nothing will ever be normal again... but it could be, if only you would listen!"

I stormed off, finding myself a quiet place to calm down and think through this. I couldn't believe that he wanted to destroy every planet after taking my friend's speed.

I almost hated him, but I couldn't. He had raised me, and I loved him as good old Jay, but he wasn't Jay anymore. I had to make him the Jay I knew, my Jay.

My eyes glowed slightly purple as I got courage and confidence that I could make this work.

"I'm going to fix you, Jay."

I won't be able to work on this for about a week. I'm really sorry for the inconvenience, but I'll try to get another chapter up as soon as possible.

-Becketha Rowndy

Rylie Garrick: Amethyst (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now