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Jay and I didn't speak the whole ride home. I had known that he would get mad about me running away, but I was glad that I got to speak with Dr. Wells. I had really needed it.

Once I wasn't grounded anymore, I would go back to S.T.A.R. Labs and figure out the rest, but right this second, I needed to be home, and fix things there.

We pulled into the driveway, and Caitlin was standing there, her arms folded, and she had a pretty angry expression on her face.

I heard Jay sigh, but before he said anything to Caitlin, he made me go upstairs. I obeyed, but I didn't go to my room. I stayed at the top of the stairs, and hid so I could listen.

Caitlin and Jay went into the living room. "Really?" She glared.

"Listen, I'm sorry I left you behind, but I was really worried about Rylie. She's never done anything like this before," he told her. "I don't know what's wrong."

Caitlin sighed, and then smiled a little bit. "Its fine. I'm just glad she's okay. Why do you think she ran away?"

"She never told me," he admitted, glancing in my direction, making me crouch even lower. "That's what I want to find out."

"Well, I guess I'd better get home," Caitlin said, grabbing his hand. "My car is all fixed up. Bart said he'd come and get me. Thanks for letting me stay."

"Anytime," Jay smiled, and gave her a quick kiss before she grabbed the rest of her things, and left.

Once the front door closed, I dashed into my room, knowing he'd come up and start questioning me.

I dove onto my bed, and pretended to be reading, right before he entered my room. He closed the door behind him, making me remember when he'd trapped me inside the kitchen in the other timeline, to make me tell him why I'd gone to S.T.A.R. Labs. I just hoped that he wasn't as intimidating as that Jay.

He sat on the edge of my bed, and looked at me, waiting for me to do something, but I kept pretending to read.

"Rylie," he finally said, grabbing my book from me. He looked at the title and read it aloud, "Math for dummies... hmm, when did you get so interested in math?"

He raised his eyebrows at me, and tapped me lightly on the head with the book. "I thought you hated math."

"I thought Caitlin had Ronnie," I suddenly shot back.

He seemed quite surprised by that comment.

"You know what happened after the Particle Accelerator exploded," he told me. "Ronnie got powers, and he didn't want to cause harm to her or anyone else, because he couldn't control them. He's been gone for two years, and probably will never come back. I know Caitlin and I are engaged, but I can tell she's holding back a little bit. She still thinks he's coming back."

I almost sighed with relief. At first I'd thought they were married. Now it made a lot more sense.

"But that's not important right now, you are," he continued, and looked me in the eyes. "Rylie. What's wrong? Was it something I did, or said? Is it because I'm engaged to Caitlin?"

"It's none of those things," I said quickly, then looked down. "It's what I did, and I'm still confused."

"Is it something to do with a boy?" He asked, and he looked so worried that I had to smile, because he wasn't even close.

"You worry too much, you know I'd never do something that stupid," I said.

He sighed with relief then got serious again. "Then what is it?"

Rylie Garrick: Amethyst (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now