A New Metahuman

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Jay... I mean Hunter, was finally feeling good enough to leave. We had intended to leave the next day, but we ended up staying two more whole days before Wells finally thought Hunter was well enough to leave.

Hunter had gotten a call from Iris, saying they had another meta, but it wasn't another lizard... it was more like a snake. I was really confused. I'd known there were strange metas, but snakes and lizards?

We were finally back home, and I was glad that our neighbor, Mr. Rochester, had volunteered to watch Tasha, Gizmo and Bill until we got home.

I went over to his house while Hunter began to work on the Fischer's house, because they were coming home tomorrow, Iris said. I knocked on his door, and waited for several minutes, but there was no answer. I knocked again, but still nothing. I began to worry. Mr. Rochester was an older man, he could have had a heart attack or something horrible.

I tried to open the door, but it was locked. There was no other way in except through the back. I checked my surroundings before using my speed to get in through the back door.

Once I was in, I noticed that it was eerily quiet. All the lights were off, even his TV was off, which was extremely rare. I only knew that, because Hunter had told me a little about him before we agreed to have him watch the animals.

"Mr. Rochester?" I called with a whisper. "Mr. Rochester? Tasha? Gizmo? Bill?"

I slowly began to walk further into the dining room, and only stopped when I heard whining. It was Gizmo!

I rushed around until I found where the noise was coming from. I finally stopped at the garage door. My heart was beating one hundred miles per hour. I'd seen many horrors movies, but never thought I'd actually get to live one.

I slowly turned the door handle and was ready to run or fight any minute. All that happened was that Gizmo and Tasha leaped into my arms and started licking every part of my face. I could feel them trembling.

"Guys, where's Bill?" I asked.

I knew they couldn't actually answer me, but Gizmo seemed to understand. He got out of my arms and started sniffing until he seemed to pick up some kind of scent. He began to follow it, with me and Tasha close behind.

We went through the kitchen, dining room, and then we were at the bottom of the stairs. I really didn't want to go upstairs, but to find Bill and maybe even Mr. Rochester, it was a must.

Gizmo was hesitant before he began climbing the stairs. I stayed close behind him and held Tasha tight in my arms as I looked behind me every once and a while.

We finally made it upstairs when Gizmo stopped and growled. His hackles were like mountains on his back as he got in a fighting position.

"Mr. Rochester?" I asked with a shaky voice.

Tasha whined and struggled to get free, but I wouldn't let her down.

I heard a door creak open, but no one came out. Gizmo began to bark, making me back up until my back was against the wall, the stairs to my left.

I felt so exposed, like there was no where to hide, no where to run. I felt like something was here, but it wasn't Mr. Rochester... or was it?

"Rylie," I heard a snake-like voice hiss from somewhere upstairs. "Come."

"Who are you!" I shouted, holding even tighter to Tasha.

"Come... come," it answered. "Come."

"What do you want?" I wondered, looking everywhere, but couldn't seem to find the source of the sound.

"Need... help," it hissed. I could hear so much pain and sadness in its voice.

"Help? With what?" I worried.

I heard footsteps coming from one of the rooms, another door creaked open, and the most terrifying creature I'd ever seen in my entire life appeared in the hall. I screamed, nearly dropping Tasha to the floor. Gizmo lunged forward, barking aggressively.


Caroline was lying in her hospital bed, quite happy with herself. She'd discovered that she could actually heal people! She was so happy, but she kept it hidden from her parents and everyone else. Some people thought it was a very good meta, others thought it was the doctors who had such good medicine that it could heal anything. Whatever they thought, Caroline was glad.

She'd wanted all her life to help people, but when the Particle Accelerator exploded two years ago, it gave her powers that she wished she'd never have gotten.

They had been out in their backyard of their old home, roasting marshmallows and hot dogs, when there was a strange blast. It seemed to go right through them, but something strange happened.

The blast had seemed to grab the fire, and it went straight to Caroline. Her parents told her that the fire didn't go through her like the blast did. It went inside her.

Caroline was perfectly fine. No burns no nothing, but a week later, they started to discover what she could do. When she got too angry, her hands would burst into flames, and they would shoot everywhere out of control. Her parents had been able to keep the fires out for a while, but one night, Caroline was so angry at herself for getting out of control and nearly killing her parents, that her powers burst forth, and were unstoppable.

The whole house burned down. her parents had made it out on time, but a few hours later, the fire men found Caroline in the rubble, completely unharmed, but she had passed out, which had stopped the flames.

Caroline sighed and quickly tried to stop thinking about that horrible past. She was just glad that after they moved to a far away land in hopes to help control her powers, that they finally came back. She felt as though she belonged in Central City. She felt some strange drawing sensation here, as if it was calling her to, asking her to come home.

The strange thing was that that sensation had seemed to come from Rylie, her neighbor. The first time or two, she'd felt it quite strongly, but here in the hospital, it was so strong that she felt slightly sick at her stomach. She'd noticed that Rylie felt something too, but tried to hide it.

Caroline was sure that Rylie's powers and her powers were somehow connected. She wasn't sure why, but that's just what it felt like. She wanted to find out more, but she wasn't sure where to go for help.

Her thoughts were interrupted when there was a loud, demanding knock at her door. Her mother replied, "Yes?"

A man in a black suit with black, slicked back hair walked in, with a young, blonde woman in a pink dress and another man in a grey suit behind him. The man in the grey suit had dark skin, his ears were slightly too big for his head, but he had a kind looking face. Caroline saw fear in his eyes.

"I'm sorry, do we know you?" Caroline's father asked, standing up quickly.

"No, but you should," the man with the black hair replied with a smile, then turned to look at Caroline. "We've come to visit her."

"May we ask why?" Mrs. Fischer asked.

The man ignored Caroline's parents, and went and stood beside her bed. "Hello Caroline, I'm Cisco, this is Lisa and that's Wally. We've come to ask you a few questions."

Caroline looked at her parents in fright. What did these people want? They didn't look very friendly, but she knew that her parents couldn't do anything unless they called the police, but there was no reason to, because they hadn't done anything wrong... yet.

Hope you enjoy. I will get another chapter up very soon. :)

-Becketha Rowndy

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