A Plan

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Barry was pacing back and forth, back and forth, back and forth until Wells had to make him sit down. "You're making me tired just watching you!"

"I don't know what to do, I can't let Wally die," Barry said. "Plus, who knows what he'll do to Rylie!"

Wells sighed. "You don't have to give up your speed. We need it to stop him."

Barry shook his head. "He can't be stopped, Wells."

"Just watch," Wells challenged, leaving the room with his gun in hand.

Iris snuck in. "Barry."

"No, Iris, don't talk me out of it, I have to save Wally," Barry snapped.

"I came to support you in any decision you make," she told him. "I don't care what it is."

"Thanks, Iris," Barry smiled slightly, then stood. "I'm ready."


I made sure Jay wasn't anywhere in sight before jogging over to Wally's cage.

"Wally," I whispered.

He slowly woke up, then scooted back in fright.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you," I whispered. "I want to help you."

"How can you help me?" He glared. "You saw Zoom. He didn't listen to you."

I glared back. "He will."

Wally suddenly scooted even further back, terrified.

"I thought I said that I wou—," I quickly stopped, realizing why he was acting that way.

I slowly turned around and came face to face with Jay. He was glaring down at me.

"Why are you talking with the prisoner?" He said, raising his voice slightly.

"Hey, I thought you hated it when I yelled at you, so you don't yell at me," I told him.

His eyebrows twitched before he turned and started walking away. "Where are you going now?" I glared.

"To see if Barry has decided yet," he replied.

I zoomed over to him, grabbing his arm to stop him. "No you don't."

He looked at me again. "And why not?"

"Because... well, I don't want to be left here alone...," I shrugged. "Let me come with you."

Jay seemed to be slightly happy that I wanted to come with him, so he nodded. "Get suited up and meet me back here."


Jay and I traveled through the portal again, and we were back at S.T.A.R. Labs in no time at all.

Barry glared when he saw us.

"Have you decided?" Jay asked in his scary monster voice.

I hated to watch this. I couldn't let it happen.

"Yes," Barry glared. "I'll give you my speed for Wally, but you have to give him to us first."

Jay left and was back in a split second with Wally. He tossed him to Joe. "Get moving."

Wells, Caitlin and Cisco began to get things ready. Jay took his mask off and watched. I kept my mask on in an attempt to hide from everyone, but I knew they knew it was me. 

I felt horrible about this, but I wasn't sure what I could do about it, but then I remembered something.

While Jay was busy talking with Caitlin, I snuck up to Wells. "Remember that thing you made to take Barry's powers away as he ran?" I whispered.

"What about it?" Wells glared.

"Put it on my suit, and take my speed," I told him. "I'm not going to let Jay take Barry's speed, and I know how to change the color of it as well. I can make my speed the same color as his. We just have to tell Barry to pretend to lose his powers."

"But Zoom is watching," Wells whispered.

"I'll distract him," I said. "Tell Heather to get the potion ready so I can drink it. She'll know what you mean. Tell everyone."

Wells wasn't very keen on the idea, because if they were caught, Zoom would probably kill them all.

I left Wells' side, and went over to Zoom. "Jay," I said, tapping his shoulder.

He slowly turned around and looked down at me. "Can we talk?" I asked. "In the hall?"

He rolled his eyes, but zoomed us into the hall. "What?"

I took my mask off, and let a few tears drip down my face. "I need you to promise me something."

"Anything," Jay said, and I could tell he meant it.

"Once you get the speed, please leave them alone, and let's just go home and have a normal life again," I begged. "Please."

"Soon, my dear," he said, hugging me. "Soon."

Sorry it took so long to write. It isn't very long, but I'll make sure the next chapter will be longer.

-Becketha Rowndy

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