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The next day, Jay nearly drove me mad with trying to get everything clean and ready for our guests. He'd promised me that if I helped clean up the house, take care of the dogs and actually visit with our guests, that we could go see Caroline afterwards.

Of course it made me upset that he was using Caroline to make me clean and do chores, but I did it. I really wanted to go see her and make sure she was getting better. 

I finished the last of my house chores, then I wrestled the animals into my room. Gizmo and Tasha usually put up a good fight when it came to putting them in my room again. They liked to roam around the house and explore all sorts of new things. They'd already discovered everything in my room, and weren't interested in it anymore.

Gizmo hopped up onto my bed, and looked at me with pitiful eyes as I closed the door quickly behind me before Tasha got out.

"Sorry guys," I said, glancing at the hamster I had chosen to call Bill. I picked up Tasha and set her next to Gizmo. "I'm sure it won't be long. Caitlin only talks forever when it comes to science, but I don't know about this Bart guy. We'll see."

I pet the two dogs for a minute, but quickly stood when I heard the doorbell ring. I looked in my mirror, smoothed out my dark brown hair and hurried downstairs to find Jay letting Caitlin in. The person behind her made me gasp.

"Cisco?" I said a bit too loudly, so they all looked at me in confusion.

"You must be mistaken," Cisco said, and I saw some fear in his eyes, but it quickly faded when he continued in a friendly voice, "my name is Bart Gibson."

I forced myself to close my mouth and clear my throat. I shook his hand politely, and got a little bit embarrassed when Jay gave me a stern look that said, "What's the matter with you?"

The other Jay had acted this way too when we would have guests, which was rare. He did everything possible to make them feel at home, and he wanted everything to go perfectly, or he'd be quite upset.

Jay led us to the dining room where there were glass plates and fancy wine glasses set up at the table. I knew Jay would never drink wine around me. He didn't even want me to see it, but I wasn't sure what this Jay would do.

When I noticed the pitcher of iced water in the middle of the table, I smiled. He was like the other Jay.

Jay sat down at one end of the table with Caitlin at the other. I sat on Jay's left hand side, and "Bart" sat across from me, eyeing me suspiciously, probably because I was doing the same thing to him. 

I'd known that this earth's Cisco had been a bad guy in the other timeline, and I wasn't sure if he was now or not. He seemed nice enough, but he could be faking it. I knew he was faking his name though. I could tell the very moment I saw him after I said his real name. He'd been afraid that his cover had been blown.

Jay and Caitlin talked on and on about what's been happening at their jobs while "Bart" and I just looked at each other. It was as if we could read each other's minds. I knew he wanted to talk to me, and I wanted to talk with him, but how would I excuse myself from the table?

"Jay," I interrupted.

He seemed a bit upset that I'd cut him short on one of his stories, but he looked at me. "Yes, Rylie?"

"May I be excused?" I wondered.

He raised his eyebrows. "Why?"

I looked down at my plate, and saw that I'd actually eaten quite a bit without even really realizing it. "I have a little bit of studying I want to do before school starts. You know, so I'm prepared."

I didn't even know if I was in public school, but Jay thought for a moment, then nodded. "All right. But put your plate and glass in the sink."

I nodded, glanced at "Bart", grabbed my plate and glass and went into the open concept kitchen where I set them in the sink after throwing away the rest of what I had on my plate, which wasn't much. I hadn't even realized Jay had filled my plate. Apparently I'd been too busy keeping a close eye on this "Bart" guy.

Just a few seconds later, "Bart" came out of the dining room and into the open concept kitchen. I had been lingering there, knowing he'd most likely find a way to come in here.

"How do you know my name?" He asked, his voice wasn't so friendly now.

"I know a lot about you, Reverb," I glared slightly.

He glared back. "And I you, Amethyst."

I raised my eyebrows in surprise. 

"I know who you are, I know you're from a different timeline. I know all about you," he said almost in a whisper. "I've vibed some weird stuff from Caitlin, but when I met Hunter, oh boy, I knew I hit the jack pot. I knew he had an adopted daughter, and I wanted to learn more. I vibed many things just by shaking your hand. You're not an ordinary girl like everyone else thinks you are. You changed the past, and that is highly punishable. Superhero or not, you will pay for what you have done."

"Hold up there buddy," I said harshly. "I only changed the past to help Jay. I didn't know it'd change this many things. What's done is done and you can't change that. No matter what you do, it'll never be fixed again."

Cisco glared again, and was about to argue further, but Jay came into the room. "Is everything all right in here?"

Cisco quickly pasted a friendly smile on his face, and said, "Everything is great! Rylie really is a great young lady, Hunter. We found some good things to talk about."

"If you can call it good," I said under my breathe.

"What was that, Rylie?" Jay wondered.

"I was just saying that Ci... Bart and I were talking about... cars...," I said, and when Cisco nodded, I continued. "He said he'd teach me a few things sometime."

Jay smiled. "That's great. Maybe we could set up a time to meet up one of these days? I'd like to learn some stuff about cars myself."

Caitlin entered the room with her plate and cup, and set it in the sink. "That was a great dinner. Thank you so much for inviting us. Is there anything we can do to help you clean up?"

"Oh no, it's fine," Jay said kindly.

"We should get going, you're going to be late," Cisco told Caitlin, impatiently tapping his watch with his forefinger.

Jay gave Caitlin a quick kiss, and we said goodbye. Once Jay shut the front door, I sighed with relief. Cisco was up to something strange, and I wasn't going to rest until I found out. Right this second, I was glad he was gone. I'd actually been quite frightened. I knew how powerful he was.

Rylie Garrick: Amethyst (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now